new brawl character

UltraByte said:
Wow.... Uh, I'm sorry, but this is a pathetic idea. Seriously, if you're going to introduce another Pokemon character (god forbid), make it an actual Pokemon, not some stupid trainer.
Couldn't have said it better.
Propaganda Man said:
I really don't see why people don't like it.
I think it's because people just want button smasher games, however this update includes a little thinking to it.
Pichubro said:
So... Who's using this guy?
I try all the characters, so I'll probably expirement with this one a lot.

As for my main characters, I'm stickin' with Samus and Link.
This character looks like its gonna suck. You dont even get to be the friggin trainer! And youll probably be swapping 24/7 with 2 other Pokemon! L-A-M-E.
the fact of being charizard sucks he really shouldve stayed in the pokeball they really should just stick with making normal pokemon Lucario would be awsome