New character ideas

I'm pretty sure literally everyone wants bats. Whenever I see one of these threads about new species, everybody says bats. Just give us flying cave rats Nintendo!

As for things other than bats, maybe dolphins, armadillos, sharks, red pandas, seals, manatees, snakes, scorpions, meerkats, ferrets or flamingos. But most of those would work better as special characters to be honest.
None of these animals really co-exist together though. Like wolves and sheep. If you want to be as realistic as possible.

Yep, an octopus can live up to 60 minutes out of the water, but that doesn't mean it's more of a natural animal in this series.
None of them are, so bring on the sharks!

Well, I did say that AC wasn't realistic in the first place, and that's it's charm! But I feel like a penguin with shovel in wing chatting with its elephant neighbour in the middle of summer disrupts my natural potato-brain less than a shark walking or bouncing around on its back fins on land. That's just me. If they do decide to bring in the sharks, I'll learn to adjust... maybe. If I'm totally honest, octopi villagers being introduced caught me off guard, and I only found out about their land-based excursions after their introduction to the franchise made me curious. I accept them and enjoy them but would also prefer them to inhabit an underwater map.
Well, I did say that AC wasn't realistic in the first place, and that's it's charm! But I feel like a penguin with shovel in wing chatting with its elephant neighbour in the middle of summer disrupts my natural potato-brain less than a shark walking or bouncing around on its back fins on land. That's just me. If they do decide to bring in the sharks, I'll learn to adjust... maybe. If I'm totally honest, octopi villagers being introduced caught me off guard, and I only found out about their land-based excursions after their introduction to the franchise made me curious. I accept them and enjoy them but would also prefer them to inhabit an underwater map.

I agree that any marine animal is out of place, mainly because they get their oxygen from water.

There are a few things I don't like that I force myself to play through, mainly the snow.

It doesn't snow at all where I am. I suffer through it, as that's the way they've made it.