I tested editing again to see what would happen, I got subtracted essence but it did not convert into tbt. When I refreshed the page I was back to how much essence I had before editing. I guess the system is still a bit glitchy.
Anyone else not getting any TBT anymore while posting but instead some FE?

Yes, that's how it is for everyone now. TBT has stopped completely. :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I tested editing again to see what would happen, I got subtracted essence but it did not convert into tbt. When I refreshed the page I was back to how much essence I had before editing. I guess the system is still a bit glitchy.

That makes sense :eek: It has been very strange lately, lots of changes to the sytem
Oh, ok! Can you still send and get TBT from other users or does this also not work anymore?

I am not sure. We can test it quick? I'll send you 1 TBT right now

Edit: It seems to still be working !! So, Re-Tail won't have to temporarily be on hold lol.
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They might make it worth earning FE if we can't earn tbt anymore!! I hope :> We'll see!!
Oh for sure !! If fear essence is negative AND we didn't get TBT, that'd just be cruel ! xD

Cruel for Halloween //weeps ; v ; I'm spooked for that hahaha

- - - Post Merge - - -

We can't earn TBT anymore? Ah well, I guess we really won't be needing it for awhile since we have two other currencies.

Yeah seems like we can't earn TBT anymore ; v ;

And I agree! :> Can't wait to see what we can buy with the new currencies!
I checked my transaction log and it seems editing a post costs exactly 9.9 essence, doesnt really mean much, just thought id point that out
I checked my transaction log and it seems editing a post costs exactly 9.9 essence, doesnt really mean much, just thought id point that out

It is actually subtracting or just saying "spent" without actually taking any away?