New DVD Recorder!


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2008
Check it out, man.

<object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width="250" height="250" data=''>
<param name='AllowScriptAccess' value='never' />
<param name='wmode' value='transparent' />
<param name='movie' value='' /><param name='play' value='true' />
<param name='loop' value='true' /><param name='quality' value='high' /></object>
Could you give some details on where to get one of these things (like sites) because I really want one :D

Thanks in advance :p
OneOfTheCityFolk said:
Could you give some details on where to get one of these things (like sites) because I really want one :D

Thanks in advance :p
lol, like best buy or something.

But I got mine on Christmas so I can't really answer that fully.
What is it? Is it like a DVD player, except it hooks up to your Wii or something and records?
Btw, Nice quality dude!! Very clear nice quality. This is how it should be :p
bdubs2594 said:
What is it? Is it like a DVD player, except it hooks up to your Wii or something and records?
Btw, Nice quality dude!! Very clear nice quality. This is how it should be :p
Yes, it looks exactly like a DVD player but has a record button.
And thanks, I was glad at the quality too.
Capture cards are good. You plug the wii's cables into the box and the box plugs in to a usb thing. You then record on your computer.
Silverstorms said:
Capture cards are good. You plug the wii's cables into the box and the box plugs in to a usb thing. You then record on your computer.
I tried it. It was crappy. Bad experience. End of story.

Bad memories. I lost a hundred bucks. Never. Shopping. Online. AGAIN.
There is no Best Buy near me...
I'm in UK...
Never heard of one in my life.
I won't be able to get one then.

Mega Bummeh
I got a DVD Recorder as well. But I might turn it in, Since the videos turn out to look like *CEN-2.0-SORD*.
ugh i need a DVD recored badly T-T

they call u "cookie"?? in my town they call me "Portillo" (my ACCF is in spanish) aww i wish i wus called sumthin else