Zodiac Crossing
Unusual You
Hi. This topic probably already has a bunch of threads, but i have my own idea. What if they made the next Animal Crossing game, Animal Crossing: Universe ? In the game you would start in a New Leaf sort of town, new villagers and a new villager type added, new flowers added, new shops, bigger town, and can have up to 20 villagers. The new villager type could be dragons. You would follow through like you would in any AC game, but this time, after you accomplish a perfect town, you discover an underwater town, much like Atlantis. This town has all new types of villagers like sharks, dolphins, fish, starfish, crabs, and more. Yes i know you can catch some of these creatures, but this could be different, since it was unknown until now. There could be more sets, resources like kelp, sea weed, coral, ect. That is all for my idea, and i hope you like it c: