New Horizons doesn't really hold up well after replaying the old AC games.


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2020
Throwback Tickets
So the thing I noticed while playing all these old AC games. They all let you get Money from hitting the Rocks, but in New Horizons they added so you can get stones, clay, iron nuggets, and gold nuggets from them. In New Leaf you can find Rubies in the Rocks but I have yet to find a Rock that spawns like a lot of rubies and stuff so maybe that will come later. s. If I remember correctly there is other gems like emeralds etc but I think you only get 1 a day. Also I can appreciate NH for improving the gameplay because in the old games you cannot shake trees while holding a net and there was no way to stack fruit until New Leaf fixed that. Also I will give NH credit for making the Pocket Space a lot larger because you really were limited with the amount of stuff you can carry in the old AC game guess every version of the game has its ups and downs but if they combined all the good things and made it up to date NH would be much better than it is now

I mean I see what they were doing but they really didn't go all out with New Horizons. Stuff like the Post Office was removed and like I mentioned they replaced it with a stupid card stand in the Dodo airlines. I mean I am not sure why they did this because the post office was in every single game. Also they did bring back Leif and Kicks but yet they don't get their own shop like in New Leaf, like just today Isabelle told me that there was a new shop open and it turned out to be Leif's store. That would be so helpful for getting flowers. New Horizons Leif just shows up as a special villager in the Plaza whenever the game decides and Nook Shop only sells like basic flowers in the cabinet. Its just things like that just bothered me its like I am not sure what they were thinking.

Don't get me wrong New Horizons is a good game. Graphics are awesome and they did improve on gameplay like the Pocket Storage and being able to shake trees while holding a net I will give it that but at the same time its like there is a lack of "stuff to do" each day. People bring up the argument AC is suppose to be played daily and how its not a game that's meant to be so competitive. While that maybe true I still see people trying so hard to make their islands look good because thats all they ever do is make their islands and when they are done they don't know what else to do. New Leaf as Mayor you can always build Public Work's Projects, Check out all the shops to see what's selling because there is so much variety, Talk to your villagers since in the game they have more personality to them. New Horizons has nearly none of that which makes playing daily very stale and boring because there is nothing much going for it. Those are just my thoughts so if you agree or disagree I would love to hear your feedback.