When do you think the Animal Crossing franchise began to awaken?

What game awakened Animal Crossing series?

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Gone until April 1st
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Cool Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
So the Animal Crossing franchise began in 2001, but 2002 here in the United States. However, the series didn’t start waking up until later (when it became more recognized and more popular).

What game do you think awakened the franchise - in other words, made Animal Crossing a more famous brand than those obscure Nintendo franchises like Excitebike and Ice Climber?

I feel like that the franchise didn’t start waking up until Animal Crossing: New Leaf came out. Granted, it didn’t become super popular until ACNH came out, but I think it began to get more recognition when ACNL came out. It was also when town customization first became a feature, and when characters like Fauna, Marshal, and Isabelle were introduced. Before New Leaf, Animal Crossing was rarely seen anywhere outside the games. But after New Leaf, we saw it in other areas - Smash, Mario Kart, and amiibo cards. It was even one of the few Nintendo franchises to have Switch avatars when the Switch was first launched. And this was all before New Horizons came out.
honestly i agree with new leaf. that's what REALLY got me into the franchise and the forums
I want to say New Leaf but I know I'm biased because that was my first AC game!

I think I remember the hype for the game before it even came out though which is odd because I didnt really even know anything about the franchise at the time, and I feel like that says a lot about NL.
Idk, I would say NL because that was the first game I played. I did have some interest playing WW years ago on my cousin’s da, but that wasn’t as much compared to playing NL.
As much as I liked the original (then missed out on WW), I’m pretty sure NL caused the franchise to pick up the pace.
I agree with New Leaf I mean it literally has 13.04 million copies sold and new leaf is better cuz of the music and the vibes of the game
Has to be NL because that game’s success basically made Sakurai reconsider Villager in Smash and how they could function in the game. Plus the 3DS had a much higher number of owners who connected to the internet to play online than the Wii.
While Wild World sold a lot, I do think that New Leaf was the turning point for the franchise.
It really elevated it to heights previously thought impossible and made it bloom. I do feel like it didn't get the love it deserves compared to New Horizons but there are a lot of factors to take into account here.
IMO It was awake from the very beginning, took a snooze during City Folk, reawakened during New Leaf, then slept on New Horizons.
I think the entire Animal Crossing franchise remained obscure 'til after the release of New Leaf, more merchandise and posts on the internet spawned after that.
I think new leaf because of the amiibos. Even back then when I didn't play, I remember seeing the amiibos of the ac characters. I thought many of them looked a little bizarre, none the less I knew they were animal crossing.
Also, I am not sure if there were plushies before new leaf, but I remember seeing those around as well but not before. So I think the merch being out and about really help bring the brand to the minds of those who don't play or even to people who don't care.
I feel like it's hard to deny that New Leaf greatly expanded the series' reach, given how well it sold, but in a way I feel like the GCN Animal Crossing already had all the important aspects of the series figured out. It may have ultimately just been a (heavily localized) port of the N64 Doubutsu no Mori, but having gone back to play that game as a curiosity, it's surprising how empty it feels not having some of what would go on to become mainstay features (especially the museum).

Granted, I started with the GCN game, and in fact generally prefer older games, so I could very well be biased.
I totally agree with you and I've been playing since the Gamecube Animal Crossing. It just wasn't as well-known until New Leaf, imo. After NL and getting added into Smash and having more of a presence in other Nintendo games and merch, most gamers and Nintendo fans were aware of the property, even if they hadn't played it. However I do admit that ACNH catapulted it to household name status. Even my mom and co-workers knew what AC was after it came out.
Absolutely Wild World imo. It was the first really mainstream game in the series
It was actually New Horizons that I saw the shift in like, people I knew knowing what Animal Crossing was without me telling them. My first game was City Folk, I got it from blockbuster Valentine's Day of 2009 haha. Fell in love, even wrote a paper in 6th grade about the game in 7th grade haha.

In high school I made a friend who was really into animal crossing too and New Leaf hadnt come out yet but we knew it was otw. We talked about it everyday and then on release day my mom drove me and her to GameStop to get it. We were the only ones there waiting for right when they opened and the worker gave us pins they had gotten with the shipment of games cause we were so excited.

New Leaf was everything I wanted and more, when NH was announced I was so excited and waited so so long for it and was rather disappointed when I got it release day because it wasn't NL that I actually never played it, and am just now over the past month giving it a chance and appreciating it for what it is.

All that being said, I feel like the buzz around it was substantial and a lot of peoples first game, at least the people I know. But I would have people try to tell me about it and that I should try it and not to be all hipster about it my thoughts were always like I've been on this train since 2009 girl. Haha.