Selling New Leaf Amiibo villagers for TBT (series 1-4 and RV)

Okay, that's fine! Sunday should work :) Around what time CET would you be online then? Early or later afternoon?

I?m only an hour before you in time so virtually anytime is best for me, maybe around 12pm to 8pm CET time? No particular plans as of yet :)
I'm in CST, so i'm 7 hours behind you. we can aim for friday or saturday whichever you can, i guess around 8 or 9pm your time would be good!

Okay, in that case Saturday would be best since I have a dinner tonight. See you tomorrow! :)
Hello may I have maple please?
My time zone is GMT-4 ( est )

Update: I received her thank you anyway!
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I'm in CST, so i'm 7 hours behind you. we can aim for friday or saturday whichever you can, i guess around 8 or 9pm your time would be good!

Hi jessicaa! I'll be online tonight working on my entries for this week's event, so you'll surely catch me online :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hello may I have maple please?
My time zone is GMT-4 ( est )

Update: I received her thank you anyway!

No worries! Sorry I didn't respond any earlier :) If you ever need anything else, let me know!
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May I have Eunice instead?

Sure! When would you like to pick her up? I'm in CET time.

i am online now!
Me too! :) Are you available now?

I've sent you my FC in DM, you'll be looking for my second town which is called "Sakura”.

I'll PM you once my gate is open, I'm moving in Beau right now and then just need to get him in boxes. Should take maybe 5 more minutes.

When you arrive in my town, you can go ahead and find your villager in town, no need to wait for me to guide you :) Let me know when the adoption is complete so I can end the session afterwards. I'll end the session myself so I don't need to manually close the gate.

Also, when visiting my town you'll see gyrodites, ore & some fossils laying on the town square. Since I time travel a lot for the orders, I have so many.. You can take however many you'd like for free, if you wish. You can also grab any regular flowers (no hybrid ones should you find any) you want or take perfect apples with you (just shake the trees).
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Sounds good! See you soon :)

Okay, all set for the adoption! My gate is open, so feel free to drop by!
I've also put out a basket of perfect apples for you already just in front of the station. Feel free to take them :)
Okay, all set for the adoption! My gate is open, so feel free to drop by!
I've also put out a basket of perfect apples for you already just in front of the station. Feel free to take them :)

Thanks so much! I'll definitely purchase another villager from you soon! :)
Hello! May I purchase Bob? I'm not trying to assume your business, but I did see the person above me, so let me know if you're still busy. :D

If this order is able to go through, my timezone is in my signature. I'm available at whatever time is best for you!
Hello! May I purchase Bob? I'm not trying to assume your business, but I did see the person above me, so let me know if you're still busy. :D

If this order is able to go through, my timezone is in my signature. I'm available at whatever time is best for you!

Hi! No worries, I'm online and just finished the previous adoption indeed :) Are you available now? Or would you rather meet up tomorrow? I believe I have Bob in town already as he's quite popular so I scan him in often, so it might not take that much time :)
Hi! No worries, I'm online and just finished the previous adoption indeed :) Are you available now? Or would you rather meet up tomorrow? I believe I have Bob in town already as he's quite popular so I scan him in often, so it might not take that much time :)

Thank you! That's good to hear. I am indeed available at this time- I just need to set up. I'll send the payment, too!
Thank you! That's good to hear. I am indeed available at this time- I just need to set up. I'll send the payment, too!

Ok! Let me start up my second town again to see how long I need to get Bob ready for you :)
Aw, no Bob! So I'll need a minute or 5. I'll let you now once I'm ready. I'll PM you my FC so you can add me in the meanwhile!

That's perfectly fine! I completely understand. :blush: You're added.
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That's perfectly fine! I completely understand. :blush: You're added.

Ok, finally done! That took longer than 5 minutes, sorry!

Bob is in boxes and ready to be adopted :) My gate is open! You'll be looking for my second town which is called "Sakura?. You can go ahead and find your villager in town using the map, no need to wait for me to guide you :) Let me know when the adoption is complete so I can end the session afterwards. I'll end it myself so I don't need to manually close the ticket gate, I'm lazy like that ;)

Also, when visiting town you'll find many gyrodites, ore & fossils laying around the town tree. Since I time travel a lot for the orders, I have so many.. You can take however many you'd like for free, if you wish! I also put out a basket of perfect apples for you in front of the station. And if you need any regular flowers you can also take them :)
Ok, finally done! That took longer than 5 minutes, sorry!

Bob is in boxes and ready to be adopted :) My gate is open! You'll be looking for my second town which is called "Sakura”. You can go ahead and find your villager in town using the map, no need to wait for me to guide you :) Let me know when the adoption is complete so I can end the session afterwards. I'll end it myself so I don't need to manually close the ticket gate, I'm lazy like that ;)

Also, when visiting town you'll find many gyrodites, ore & fossils laying around the town tree. Since I time travel a lot for the orders, I have so many.. You can take however many you'd like for free, if you wish! I also put out a basket of perfect apples for you in front of the station. And if you need any regular flowers you can also take them :)

Wonderful- I really appreciate the speed, actually! :D I will respect your town without any lollygagging. Be there in a moment!
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