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Yes of course! Thanks so much for visiting my shop! The total for your order will be 16 tbt, correct I can drop off at your island anytime today if you're available. It'll take two trips to bring everything to you.Hello! I'd love to get a handful of things dropped off today if available
I'm looking for:
- 4mil igb
- 10 orange hyacinths
- Stonehenge
Total = 16 tbt (correct me if I counted wrong, my brain isn't computing today)
And separately it isn't listed here but if you happen to have an excess of cooking/crafting recipes lying around I'll absolutely pay for those as well. I reset my island am having trouble re-collecting basically all of the DIY stuff, so I figure its worth asking!
Also I do have some spare recipes you can have! I actually have a complete Bunny Day crafting recipe set if you'd be interested in that, too. Just let me know!