New oldie


Mar 9, 2020
Hi there!

I really enjoyed AC for Gamecube and I'm really looking forward to getting back to Animal crossing with New Horizons(the new museum/zoo got me hooked) I'm planning to play around with the online features and hope to get a chance to visit other people's towns and socialize. :)

Other then that I come from Sweden and enjoy playing video/board-games, hiking and watching tv-series/movies/anime.

My favourite villager is probably Roald the penguin even if Mr Resetti always will have a place in my heart...
Nice to meet a fellow oldie. I never had Roald in my town, but I always was a fan of the penguins.

Have you decided on an island name yet? I'd love to visit when the game launches.
Welcome :)
Roald is my favorite too, only had him in WW, he was my first ever villager.
Thanks for the warm welcome!
Yeah I'm also a huge fan of penguins, so I would be happy if I get just one penguin in my village.

I'm planning on calling my village Corktree or maybe Mori town which is japanese for forest, but I will probably change my mind a few more times before release. :)

I'm looking forward to seeing others Islands as well!
Welcome ♡ I agree with you, the museum really blew me away! I'm so excited for this
welcome to the forums!! i hope your experience with new horizons is an exciting one!
i also love anime! my hobbies include mostly gaming tho~ and some art when i have the comfort space.
favorite villager is bob! <3
Welcome to the forums - I hope you enjoy your time here!

I live in Scotland and I also like hiking, although I bet your views are probably more breathtaking than ours (it’s overcast most of the time!)