New speculation on villager visits

I would guess they don't follow you this time, but that when you enter your house, they immediately knock and come in. Or maybe agreeing to the prompt would cause the game to teleport you inside your house.
Oh yeah, I think this is it, because when you do ceremonies, the game teleports you to RS when you're done.
😲. it’s honestly a bit frustrating that nintendo keeps withholding features from us but hopefully this + some other stuff will be added in in the march update! despite my mild disappointment of the last update, i’m choosing to remain optimistic but i’m genuinely happy that this feature might be making a comeback after all! some other villager interactions would be great to have, too. ^^
Probably something they are still working on, and might bring with the next updates. I remember in New leaf they could come visit you but there wasn't too much talk.
I hope this featture will be in march's update, I liked it in new leaf and I am kinda curious to see if it is gonna be the same way in new horizon or different. I can't wait for new update.
Posting my reply from the other thread.

Yeah, in New Horizons they don’t get upset if you say no when you accidentally talk to them or they want to buy a fish or something from you. I’d love for this feature to be added as I personally loved it in New Leaf, but I think Nintendo should make it so the villagers are okay with you saying no and the villagers are always readily available. For example, instead of saying “I’m going to be hanging out with Antonio until 1:30, so any time after that works.” they could say “Do you want to hang out now or later?” and let you choose your own time. This way you wouldn’t risk being late in case you couldn’t time travel if you had turnips or something.

It would also be nice if Nintendo made it so villagers would invite you to their houses too - then you could get the prompt to buy one of their items like you could in New Leaf - which might be useful if they had been accidentally gifted something you didn’t like.