New to the bell tree

Trikki146 said:
I'll go by either Trikki or Curtis. So it's not a secret.
and yes, Garrett is rather cool.

2 minutes ago p.s: aviators are cool!! right Curtis?!?!?!?! Am I annoying lol?
Noes. D=
Trikki146 said:
Garrett, you mind putting me in your waiting list?
Half of the people I put in mine are barely on.
Sure thing I have A TON of people on my list that NEVER! go on so, bye bye to them lulz! :) :santagyroid:


@ACROX thats true! :)
Your my home dawg because I talk to you every 5 seconds and you reply back:DD If that makes any sense at all
It does.
A lot of the people who asked me to put them on my list were online for about a week, then they stopped coming.
I don't have anything else to do but come on here.
Dropped out of school and don't work near the holidays.
and you guys are cool too.