I see what you're saying...believe me, I really do! I am also trying to give the fortune cookies a fair shake, but the more I find out, the more icky it feels. We have an avid PC player and community member (shout out tolisamarie!) who used their savings for 25 Marshal cookies and they still ended up shy an item in that set. If everything I read/learned about fortune cookies is accurate (and it may not be) then we get two cookies every 24h that we can purchase with bells. Those cookies are random and there seem to be at least 6 kinds of cookies atm. A friend of mine didn't get any special character cookies she could buy with bells in either the first or second round. If my math is right, we will only be able to buy 114 before the special character cookie time runs out. There are three sets of character cookies all with 10 items in each set, and each cookie has various rates for each furniture item with some as low as a 2% chance of showing up making certain items quite rare. I'm not going to say it's impossible to collect all of the special character cookie items w/out spending leaf tickets, but quite a few things would have to fall into place for that to happen making your personal RNG insanely lucky. Also, considering the fact that we can and will get duplicates, theoretically it would be possible to spend a large sum of Leaf Tickets on cookies and still be unable to complete the sets. I'm not trying to upset you, but if your continuing to play depends very heavily on completing the catalog, you may want to bow out now. You'd be better off relinquishing your goal of completing the catalog, but if you won't be happy doing that......well....may the odds be ever in your favor!
Exactly right. This event would be the perfect "excuse" to stop playing PC lol.
I used to play in competitive games before (where you need to spend lots of real cash to be in top clans). Even though I'm trying to use my cash in better stuff than just a bunch of pixels, I COULD give it a try and buy leaf tickets If I see I have a good chance to keep my catalog completed (I promise that "try" won't include more than 1/5 of the cost of a Nintendo Switch game lol).
Also, there's a chance that Nintendo somehow "repairs" this mess and be more gentle with their completionist players

... But also there's equally a chance that they release more new sets that uses fortune cookies overlaping with current 60 days (haha).
For PC, 60 days is a long time. So, my bet is that, until time's over, we will find a way to sort this out. If not, as I said, I'll quit this.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Since it is a request, try tapping on the cat face in campsite, tapping on camper who requested furniture, and it should pop up that they want this furniture crafted (something along those lines) so tap that which will bring you to craft menu of said item. If not then use feedback feature in the app to let Nintendo know that it isn't showing up.
Sorry, I meant, I received this from a common request... the ones you do every 3 hours in different locations.
I think it's not a particular item from any animal (Goldie requested me to advice her between 3 items. I chose this, and in the end, I received bells, materials and this furniture).
Not sure if it's a bug that Nintendo might repair soon, OR if it's from a set of "secret" items.