• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Eligible 🏝️ New Year, New Horizons: A Bilby Isle Island Tour 🏝️

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Island/Town Name
Bilby Isle
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Mar 23, 2021
Throwback Tickets
Hot Bunny Balloon
Glam Balloon
Fresh Balloon
Galaxy Cupcake
Glam Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
The Bell Tree Fair 2024 Patch
The Bell Tree World Championship 2024 Patch
Camp Bell Tree 2023 Patch
The Bell Tree Fair 2022 Patch

Welcome to the

Welcome residents, neighbours, visitors and other deserted island island-dwellers!

Over the course of 13(ish) instalments, join me to tour Bilby Isle, meet the residents, get a sneak peek at their homes and personal lives, and see what current renovations are happening around town!


Meet the residents


Part I Meet the Residents: The residents of Ocean Road
Part II Let's Tour the Plaza!
Part III Meet the Residents: Park Square
Part IV Throwback to the Early Days!
Part V Meet the Residents: Cliff Street
Part VI Meet the Residents: Last but not Least!
Part VII Travels Across the Ocean
Part VIII Orange Forest
Part IX Megan's Home Makeover
Part X SJ's Home Visit
Part XI Sandy Shores
Part XII Last of the Throwback Photos
Part XIII The Bilby Isle Island Tour Wrap-up!
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Part I Meet the residents: The residents of Ocean Road

First up on our tour, let's meet the residents of Ocean Road! Ocean Road lies along the southern end of Bilby Isle, and as the name suggests, runs parallel to the ocean. Along this street includes popular amenities including (and completely limited to) Able Sisters clothing and tailoring shop, and the Dodo Airlines airport!

First stop on our tour, Agnes' house!
Agnes is a long time resident, being one of three founding residents of Bilby Isle! She also seems to have the favour of the Resident Representative... Agnes is very proud of her pig sty, and it's filled with lots of her favourite foods (pumpkins and apples) and pink flowers. After arriving at the island with only a sleeping bag, Agnes' house has come a long way, furnished in her favourite colours!


Here are some bonus throwback photos from Agnes' time on the island!


Next stop along our route, it's Louie!
Louie is another original resident of Bilby Isle! His favourite things to do are working out, and working out. A fun fact about Louie is that he has refused to have any bed in house but a sleeping bag. Thankfully with the introduction of Happy Home Planner, the sleeping bag is no more! Sorry, Louie.

Here's a quote from Louie's home makeover:

"Now I have so much more room to flex my quads AND my gratitude muscles!"


Across the river to the other side of Ocean Road, our next stop is... Norma!
It looks like Norma is just on her way to her neighbour's house right now, so I guess we won't see her cute pastel farmhouse today!


And her neighbour is Rhonda!
Rhonda is an early resident of Bilby Isle, and was also unblessed with the Nook Inc. Starter Home Package! Thankfully, Rhonda's home has had a full makeover!


That's all for the residents of Ocean Road. Tune in again for something surely more interesting!

Your resident rep signing off,
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Part II Let's Tour the Plaza!

Let's quickly stop by the plaza, before we make our way back up to meet some more residents! As we enter the plaza from Ocean Road, we can see the central fountain, and to the left of it, the Able sisters personal parking spot. "They must get a lot of business to afford that Luxury Car... And, we don't even have any roads."


Moving on...
We have the main plaza area, perfect for finding your neighbours or for group morning exercises (for those of us who aren't still in bed of course).


Resident Services
Located on the plaza is your one-stop shop for all of your construction and recycling needs, compliments and complaints! Let’s meet the two hard workers that run Resident Services around the clock (literally).

West Central Plaza
Heading west of Resident Services we have the museum, curated by Blathers, and Nook’s Cranny, run by Timmy and Tommy Nook! We have other amenities in the plaza, including a convenient ABD (no fees charged!), and if you’re feeling lucky, you could try your hand at the Brake Tapper! We also have a crafting table and storage cupboard for all to use, and a native apple orchid free to all residents and visitors.


It's a simple town, but it's ours. That's our quick plaza tour! Until next time, your Resident Rep signing off,
Part III Meet the Residents: Park Square

Let's continue our tour by surprising some more of our residents with a visit! But first, we have two exciting announcements.

Firstly, we're happy to announce our resident cartographer (and highly qualified museum curator) Blathers has made this (poorly illustrated) handy map, so you can follow our tour more easily!


Secondly, we have a birthday announcement!
January 24th marked Rhonda's birthday, with SJ and Megan attending her party!


With those announcements out of the way, let's continue our tour! Today we're heading west of the plaza, and up the cliff to Park Square.


They may not be close to the ocean like the homes on Ocean Road, but the homes in Park Square are coveted for their luscious green hedge fencing, paved water feature, and abundant curated flowers. Let’s see who lives here!


To the right of the entrance, we have Patty's home!
Patty's exterior features plenty of wildflowers (to munch on), and her interior has recently been redecorated to hopefully match the personality of this rising pop star! When asked about how she likes living on Bilby Isle, Patty had this to say:

"Bilby Isle is great! I'm so famous here, how-now!"


Where does this secret path behind Patty's house lead? It's a secret tea garden!


Let's see who Patty's tea companion is...
It's Goldie! Goldie likes to keep a natural vibe to her interior and exterior. A little known fact about Goldie is that she's a proficient pianist!


Well that looks like all of the houses in Park Square, but it looks like this staircase leads to Northbound Road. Let's follow this next time to meet some more residents!


Until next time, your Resident Rep signing off,
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Part IV Throwback to the Early Days!

Before we continue our tour, I thought we could take a look back at some of the earlier days of Bilby Isle!

Some early letters, apparently!
Agnes never did use that kitchen...


More Firsts and Other Occasions


And to finish it off, I thought I'd post some throwbacks of the
TBT World Championships

Super proud of the amazing Bellflowers! 💜


Thanks for reminiscing with me! 😊 See you soon! Your Resident Rep signing off,
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Part V Meet the Residents: Cliff Street

Check out where we're headed today (marked in orange!)


Let's head down the quiet Northbound Road, where we'll turn right and meet the residents of Cliff Street! Cliff Street may be the farthest from the sandy shores and local amenities, but being at the highest peak of the island allows these residents the most splendid view of the island and the northern sea.

Today's a special day because two of our Cliff Street residents are undergoing home renovations! Let's go!


It looks like we're coming up to our first residence!


It's Gayle's house!
Today is the first day Gayle will see her new home after updating her décor! Tom Nook and I may have been so excited about the prospect of helping her redecorate, that we woke her up in the middle of the night to tell her so! Let's see what she thinks.


Let's head now to her neighbour, Teddy!
While he has quite a cute and cosy standard home, Teddy has nowhere to cook. I think we can improve it for Teddy! It looks like Teddy was hoping for lots of room to exercise, but with ample outdoor space for working out, hopefully he's happy with his cosy new bear cabin.


And the last resident on this street, Megan!
Megan still has her standard home, but a renovation overhaul is on her horizon, so stay tuned. When asked what she thinks about updating her island home, Megan had this to say:

"Oh, you mean it, sundae? I'm thrilled! As long as there's flowers for my bees and room to store my honey, I'll be a happy bear, sundae."


As we exit Cliff Street through the eastern staircase...


We come to the shady port. Isabelle is always mentioning a suspicious boat here, but I only ever see my favourite cousin dock here.


And a little further east, plenty of wildflowers line the path. I'm sure Megan's bees will be happy here.


Lastly, if we head south down the staircase, there's a sweet little reading spot next to this little waterfall, overlooked by Cliff Street. Let's rest here for today!


Thanks for visiting Bilby Isle, and hope to see you again! Your Resident Rep signing off,
Part VI Meet the Residents: Last but not Least!

Today is a very small continuation of our tour, but it's also the day we'll meet the last of the Bilby Isle residents! I've annotated the map below to show our little tour route for today.


Let's head down the staircase from the reading nook...


And across the river...


And we're at Pinky's house!
Pinky's home is set in the centre of a little bamboo garden, filled with her favourite flowers, outdoor seating and a little bridge. Her interior is fairly simple, but I think it's just as sweet as she is.

Bonus island shenanigans
Given this is our only tour stop today, I thought I'd share some bonus winter snaps of Pinky and friends being silly in the plaza!

A very short entry in our tour today, but we can finally check off all of the residents of Bilby Isle! I look forward to continuing the tour with you again soon! Until next time, your Resident Rep signing off,
Part VII Travels Across the Ocean!

I'm afraid I had to pause our tour yesterday because... I was on vacation! Well, a day trip... A day-cation. 🏝️
I was invited to visit Totoro by my good friend, and Resident Representative of Totoro, @Mutti ! Luckily, I took plenty of photos to share! 📷😊

First order of business, what to wear?
As you'll come to realise, I did not dress appropriately for the cold winter of the Northern Hemisphere... ❄️


Orville of course helped me book tickets!


Off the seaplane, and here's Mutti greeting me at the airport!


Soon into the tour, we came across some cold soup that a villager left out.
I wanted to try it, but Mutti advised against it.


Poor Chester was surprised to me!


But Hamphrey was more than happy to assist on the tour.


Of course, I was graciously introduced to the island's most famous and honourable villager.
Isn't Coco's house so cute and cosy?!


A beautiful bamboo garden area!


Taking time to appreciate Coco of course...


One of our last stops was to the beach!
I thought we might rent some surf equipment, but it turns out it's too cold to go surfing when it's snowing outside. 🤷‍♀️


And of course, lots of cute pics before I had to return home!


That's it for my tour to Totoro! All I can say is that Totoro is stunningly decorated, and I am so happy that I've gotten to tour it with @Mutti ! Thank you for having me, Mutti! 🏝️💖

With that, we'll return tomorrow(ish) with our regular Bilby Isle tour schedule. Until next time, your Resident Rep signing off,
Part VIII Orange Forest

We're back to continue our tour, though I'm afraid we're almost at the end! Just two more stops after today! 😊 Today we're headed into the Orange Forest, filled with flowers, mushrooms and fruit trees. 🍊 The front of the forest is on the eastern side of Ocean Road, though it can also be accessed from the campsite, with a third secret entrance from the plaza!


Let's head in through the front entrance!
The trail forks to the left and the right.


Taking the trail heading east, there's a small picnic site!
Mmm... hot chocolate. :coffee:


Let's go back and take the western trail.
This trail is much longer and takes several winding turns!


We end up at the northern exit!
Let's head out of the forest.


Crossing the river, we end up at the campsite. 🏕️
Looks like Gayle is resting here!


I'm sure Gayle won't mind if we rest here with her, so let's end our tour here today! Thanks for joining me again! See you again soon. Your Resident Rep signing off,
Part IX Megan's Home Makeover

As promised in Part V, Tom Nook and I returned to Megan's home to give her the home transformation she deserves! 💜

When considering her home renovation, we took into account a few important notes about Megan! Her favourite colours are yellow and aqua, though due to limited aqua-coloured items, we focused more on yellow. As well as this, Megan's favourite styles are cute and simple, and she has the nature hobby!

Megan's home before...


And here's her home now!

Firstly, we gave Megan a log cabin exterior with Paw-print Doorplate, to match her neighbour and fellow-bear Teddy, but we gave her a pink roof and door.

We kept a few things from Megan's original home, including her Honeycomb Wall, but used as an accent wall, and her rainbow-coloured Inflatable Sofa! We also kept her Beekeeper's Hive, but we moved it outside to her garden, expanded the number of hives she had, and also the number of flowers in her garden!

Overall, I hope she's happy with her cosy new home!


We'll continue to our next spot on the island tour (my house!) in the next part, but until then, I'll leave you with this picture of Teddy relaxing in today's sunny weather.


Until next time, your Resident Rep signing off,
Part X SJ's Home Visit

Today we're going to head to the far north-east of the map, where I'll give you a tour of my home! This is the penultimate stop in our Bilby Isle Island Tour!

Welcome to my house!

Not quite visible, but the western side of my yard has a pond that falls to the level below. The yard is fenced in by hedging, and has purple and black roses, and Lily of the Valley. I also have a doghouse (though pets are welcome indoors of course 🥰).


Let's head in!


My living room 📺

I'm not generally a fan of the colour red, but the "cute" walls are some of my favourite wallpapers! My favourite things about my living room are the comfy sofas, indoor plants, and lots of books! The lily record player is also one of my favourite items in ACNH. It also has a desk for studying of course, and on the wall you can't see, a few photos gifted from my villagers.


Through the right-hand doorway, we're led to the kitchen. 🍎

Small but cosy.


Through the far doorway, we get to my bedroom 😴

This room makes me feel so warm.


And the far left room is an indoor garden 🌿🎶

Lots of plants to brighten my day, and lots of gyroids to sing to my plants!


And then upstairs, we have the laboratory..

But wait! We're going to need to put on our PPE before we enter... 🥼


Let's see...


✅ Hair tied up - check
✅ Enclosed shoes - check
✅ Labcoat - check
✅ Safety glasses - check
❌ Gloves... Well, 4/5 isn't bad.

Ok, let's head in!

Best not to touch anything...


And lastly, let's head to the basement. It's our music room! 🎹

Not designed as the most chic room, but I like seeing all of the villagers on the walls. 😊


Thanks so much for visiting! Travel safe, and see you for the last stop on the Bilby Isle Island Tour soon! 👋


Until next time, your Resident Rep signing off,
Part XI Sandy Shores

It's finally here! The last stop on our island tour is a walk along the beach. ⛱️

Campsite Beach
Connecting to the campsite in the north-east of the island, there is a beach perfect for fishing, hanging out while camping, and watching the lights of the lighthouse in the dark. How else will my shady cousin find the northern dock in the middle of the night?


Next stop, the south-eastern beach!
This beach runs from the south-eastern corner of Ocean Road up until the Dodo Airlines airport. A perfect spot for a day trip of lunch, hanging out, swimming and sandcastle building.


Ocean Road Beach
This area is a more relaxing swim spot, lying at the western side of the airport. There's something fishy about one of these palm trees...


Kapp'n's Corner
And lastly, Kapp'n relaxes at the dock on the south-western side of the island, but it's also good for fishing too!


The sandy shores of Bilby Isle aren't the most decorated areas, but I suppose we live a simple life! Thanks for having fun in the summer sun with us (with appropriate sun protection of course - safety first). ☀️

That looks like it will be the last spot on our island tour, with the exception of a few nooks and crannies of course. However, we still have two more parts to share with you, one containing some more throwbacks from the 10,000+ photos saved in our Bilby Isle history books, and the other a final island wrap-up!

For today, I'll leave you with this last photo of Norma and Agnes' coffee hangout today.


Thanks again for joining us! Until next time, your Resident Rep signing off,
Part XII Last of the Throwback Photos!

Well I can't say I got through all 10,000+ photos in the Bilby Isle photo archive, but I did look through quite a few, reminiscing about past and present residents of Bilby Isle and the things they say and do. So, as the second-to-last journal entry, I thought I'd share a few more snaps from our time together on Bilby Isle over the years!

Stories from villagers
I always thought these stories were the sweetest.



And a bonus snap...

Event Snaps
In the Bilby Isle archives I also came across some more memories of events to share!

Some Camp Bell Tree snaps!


And getting Patty and Agnes to help me pose for the 2022 Valentine's Day event!


Lastly, hanging out with the residents of Bilby Isle 🏝️

A trip to the museum with Rhonda and Pinky


A snapshot into daily life on Bilby Isle!


Thanks for reminiscing with me! I'll be back tomorrow with one last part to finish off this series. Until then, your resident rep signing off,
Part XIII The Bilby Isle Island Tour Wrap-up!

Welcome to the last part of the Bilby Isle Island Tour! 🎉

Before we finish the tour, I have to give many thanks to the villagers who have previously lived on Bilby Isle and helped enrich it's environment! Here are some snaps of these wonderful past residents! They are all stars, and we're lucky to have had each of them on Bilby Isle! 🌟


A special thank you to Tabby and Quillson. I was very sad to see that I didn't have any snaps of them (except one of Tabby when she was sick, poor dear). I was new to deserted island life, and hadn't quite figured out using my NookPhone camera yet. Tabby was especially loved, and I would love for her to return to Bilby Isle one day.


Of course, Bilby Isle is also blessed to have its current residents, who continue to make the island the happy and peaceful place it is!

Thank you so much to everyone who has read, looked at or reacted to this little Bilby Isle journal! Thank you for checking it out! We took this group photo to say goodbye!


Thanks again for joining me. For the last time in this journal, your Resident Rep signing off,
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