New yearZ xD AGAIN


Senior Member
Dec 7, 2008

meh and madison (lol mah eyes are close. Look stoned xD)


lol meh, brendan, and garrett


meh, madison, garrett, and jason


meh and madi again xD
Happy New Yearrr :)

Edit: Haha, Stop looking at Pron
madison_of_townsvil said:
how do u get the pixxx

*i be jealous...
Click 1 on wiimote.
At the bottom of the screen go to pics, Then store to SD.

Make sure you have a SD in the Wii.
madison_of_townsvil said:
how do u get the pixxx

*i be jealous...
Umm.....well......Obv your SD. I have a card reader so I put it into that then into mah comp....and I load them......then go to photobucket n' stuff. Then put them on here xD
madison_of_townsvil said:
Joe said:
madison_of_townsvil said:
how do u get the pixxx

*i be jealous...
Click 1 on wiimote.
At the bottom of the screen go to pics, Then store to SD.

Make sure you have a SD in the Wii.
yeah i knowz..i mean on the comp.when i put it in an SD reader nothin happend
Are you storing them right?
After u put them......go to my computer.....then click the thing that says removable drive or whatev...then click crap on there til u find them....then save it!! It might not work if you try to go to my documents and drag the pics you want to a folder XD Meh so smart(:)
ACROX said:
After u put them......go to my computer.....then click the thing that says removable drive or whatev...then click crap on there til u find them....then save it!! It might not work if you try to go to my documents and drag the pics you want to a folder XD Meh so smart(:)
no removable disk...forget it....ill figure it out...