Senior Member
OK, i know there are a lot of newbie guides out there, but here's one that can help you not just on The Bell Tree but anywhere.I know there are quite of few obvious one's, but i had to add them.This is merely a guide i do not recommend you use these abbreviation excessively, or at all,because at the-bell-tree quality posting is of utmost importance.
Animal crossing related:
ACCF-animal crossing city folk
ACWW-animal crossing wild word
DLC-Downloadable Content
PG-Pizza Gang
TBT-The Bell Tree
TTing-Time Traveling
In General:
AKA-Also known as
ASAP-As soon as possible
ATM-At the moment
BBL-Be back later
BRB-be right back
BTS-Be there soon
BTW-By the way
DIY-Do it yourself
DW-Don't worry
FMod-Forum moderator
FYI-For your information
GTG/G2G-Got to go
IDC-I don't care
IDK-I don't know
IMO-In my opinion
IRL-In real life
K -Okay/1000 (e.g. 10k=10,000)
L8er-Later/See you later
Lol-Laugh out loud
Newb-new person
NOYB-none of your business
NP-No problem
NTY No thank you
NVM-never mind
OMG(!)-Oh my gosh(!)
PM-private message
PLZ: please
RL-real life
ROTFL- rolling on the floor laughing
TY-thank you
TTYL-talk to you later
TYVM-thank you very much
Ur-you are/your
YW-you're welcome
Post below if you've got any more and I'll add them.
Animal crossing related:
ACCF-animal crossing city folk
ACWW-animal crossing wild word
DLC-Downloadable Content
PG-Pizza Gang
TBT-The Bell Tree
TTing-Time Traveling
In General:
AKA-Also known as
ASAP-As soon as possible
ATM-At the moment
BBL-Be back later
BRB-be right back
BTS-Be there soon
BTW-By the way
DIY-Do it yourself
DW-Don't worry
FMod-Forum moderator
FYI-For your information
GTG/G2G-Got to go
IDC-I don't care
IDK-I don't know
IMO-In my opinion
IRL-In real life
K -Okay/1000 (e.g. 10k=10,000)
L8er-Later/See you later
Lol-Laugh out loud
Newb-new person
NOYB-none of your business
NP-No problem
NTY No thank you
NVM-never mind
OMG(!)-Oh my gosh(!)
PM-private message
PLZ: please
RL-real life
ROTFL- rolling on the floor laughing
TY-thank you
TTYL-talk to you later
TYVM-thank you very much
Ur-you are/your
YW-you're welcome
Post below if you've got any more and I'll add them.