Next DLC item revealed

It's alot better than 1k, that's for sure, i actually think it looks good!
Perfect move from Nintendo! This is a great replacement for the Train Models any the Original!
Looks a little out of place, I'll trade a Flamenco hat with you guys for the bus model when it comes out.
Oooh cool.
I hope it's not just american... But we did get the Spanish stuff...
I have resseti mdel Town hall model first 2 house models all nooks and im not sure if youd call it a model but arwing!!!
Yeah! America only!!!!!! Time to get back at Europe for the Flamenco DLC! The next one is for America only too! It should come out on June 14, since that is when the American Flag was adopted!
Interesting DLC, that's for sure. Can't wait to grab one.

And I can get more of those out of the US.