Type of style: I'll take two number 9's, a number 9 large, number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda, because I know you like them chunky. Also
Style 2 + Villager.
Epic Chad
Background or no background: No background needed, but you can add one if you come up with anything and think it would look cool
Custom clothes or default clothes:
This Jumper (the pink one) and plain grey sweatpants. If you can somehow make Lucky wear the blue version of the jumper, that would be amazing, but let me know if not! I also have the jumpers as simplified custom designs in game, so I can get a picture of my character wearing it + grey sweatpants if it would help.
Details on poses and actions of character(s): My character should be sitting down and lying back against some pillows, asleep. Lucky asleep next to me as well, maybe resting his head on my shoulder? Whatever you think looks cute honestly ;-; Also would like there to be a blanket loosely covering most of our legs, and a nintendo switch on top of the blanket, so it looks like we fell asleep playing AC together

Payment: Since this order is pretty complicated I think, I can offer 10 USD instead. Let me know if you need more though! I'm not even sure if you take these kind of orders, but it's worth a shot :x