Nikoking's Signature and Avatar Shop. Free!

Say, Niko... I hate to be a bother, but I'm just curious as to how mine's coming along.
I've been pretty busy lately, hence my inactive stance on TBT recently. I will get to the sigs as soon as I can, but sigs are very hard to do (I'm a perfectionist :p). Give me some time, and I think I can get some done tonight. If not tonight, then definitely tomorrow or 2 days for sure. Sorry to be disappointing to some of you that really want signatures, and I will get to them in time. btw I'm almost done with Jami's sig.

Size: Standered.
Text: none
Details: Try to make it dark looking and ghostly and creepy. like hes running away from something. and do your best! :D
again more life hold-ups. for the past week I've been dealing with a swollen throat that's really annoyed me (ala the damn cinnamon challenge and stomach acid issues). It's getting better though which obviously is good news. I've also been taking driver's ed which will take up all of August so I don't have as much time as I did in July. when my throat gets better and I'm not dealing with driver's ed I'll get to the sigs. Expect the deadline to be by my bday (September 5th) when I'm done with driver's ed and my throat should be 100%. Thanks for understanding my recent issues (I hope :p ).
Hello NikoKing.
Could you add the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D logo on to this signature, but make it smaller so it can fit to the left of Hyrule Castle please.