Nintendo 3DS Friend Code Directory

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MysteryQ (Quinn)

I am NOT an ambassador. (If it was before August 12th, I was one day late :O)
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Aaronimus/Ehingen Guy

I'm an 3DS Ambassador. Please notify me if you want to add me, since I have people from other sites in my friend list.
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Rockman *

I'm not an ambassador. I also don't add anyone unless they add me first.

I am not an Ambassador.

I am going to Add Bidoof and Tyeforce now.
Anyone else should pm me with their information if they add me since I rarely get online.
0044 - 2908 - 1544
I am an ambassador
If you add me, just lemme know so I can add you, too.
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Finally got my 3DS :D

Sarah (Sarah)
Friend Code 4038-6790-2498
I am not a 3DS Ambassador.

Message me if you add me :)
Username: Nami
Mii name: Paige
Friend code: 1762-3479-3668

I'm not a 3DS ambassador
Can everyone add me on here? It would make me happy :)
Friend Code: 3780-9496-8054
Username: BroccliMan
Mii: Rob
It means a lot for you guys to add me so please do so if you can :) Thanks!
Broc, you can edit posts. xD No need to triple them up. Btw probably better to pm people that you've added them instead of posting on a thread that they may not see again for quite awhile.
Thanks, This is my first time on a forum so i'm not really use to it lol, Thanks though! (Sorry I forgot to "reply to your post"
Fire_Fist (Jason)

3DS Ambassador here!

Edit: Oh, and feel free to PM me or send me a visitor message if you add me.
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Not an Ambassador.

Send me a visitor message here on TBT if you add me.
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