Nintendo 3DS Friend Code Directory

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Wow nice, everyone add me :D (if you want that is xD)
1934 0646 7587

Oh, and if you add me and stuff, could you let me know so I an add you too :blush:
Yes but no, yes as in Tye doens't come here anymore so he cant update it, but no since people still post their FC's

Justin said he would make an updated version of this, but he has yet to do so.
I will have a Nintendo 3DS XL Friend Code as of tomorrow afternoon, but I will not actually give out my Nintendo 3DS Friend Codes until I have settled into my town on Animal Crossing 3DS when it finally gets to European and American shores...
Sorry I've been away so long, guys. Someone else is more than welcome to take over this thread, or make a new thread, if they want.

I use to have everyone here added on my 3DS Friend List, but since I started running my StreetPass group, I've met so many new friends who have 3DSes that I had to delete almost everyone I had added from TBT. I wish I could keep everyone, but you can only have 100 friends in your Friend List, and I've been maxed out for a long time now. Sorry. =(
Sorry I've been away so long, guys. Someone else is more than welcome to take over this thread, or make a new thread, if they want.

I use to have everyone here added on my 3DS Friend List, but since I started running my StreetPass group, I've met so many new friends who have 3DSes that I had to delete almost everyone I had added from TBT. I wish I could keep everyone, but you can only have 100 friends in your Friend List, and I've been maxed out for a long time now. Sorry. =(

Just for the sake of getting some more friends heres mine u don't have to update it but im actually The 64 Power i just changed my name lol my new code is:

0302 1083 7008

Please let me know if you have added me, so I can add you too. :)

I am a 3DS ambassador. :)


Feel free to add both of my 3DS' and let me know so I can add you back! :D
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