yeah i saw that.. i already thought the 1€ it costs here is too much.In the UK it's ?0.90 for 5 turns, which is almost 3 dollars when transferred into American currency.
it's disgusting..
yeah the amiibo cards were almost 5 euro for 3 cards in the US 6$ for 6 which is almost same price..Holy crap, Nintendo EU are really mean. Didn't something similar happen with them getting less amiibo cards for the same/higher price too? x.e
EDIT 2: I just got my second (or third) free promotional play. Not one from the practice machine, but the one they give out just because.
EDIT 3: I just got 4 additional free plays, and that's from messing up the first time. If you've got the Mario Maker practice catcher, go for the Chain Chomp's head.
EDIT 4: OH god they added more Splatoon ones and I didn't notice so I used up my free tries on something else ;o;
how did you get the free promo plays, i havent gotten any yet :/ maybe i'm missing something. havent had much luck in the training thing either besides like 1 try per then 10 blank badges ^^; oh well
they havent changed anything inside the machine yet , but i think some are only there for 2 more days. so i guess it'll change soon.
i did get a few cute badges tho already so idk..
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