Nintendo Badge Arcade finally coming to the west

The Hello Kitty ones are actually really cute ; I'll definitely be going for them if they do end up bringing them to other places. Do we even have the bomb machines yet, though?

I'm hoping that they make a set of spaces and a theme for animal crossing: amiibo festival like they did for mario party 10 a while ago, that'd be really cool!

Also looks like this is happening, I saw some of them in the Hello Kitty video! Hopefully this will also get a theme.

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Aww pity..that happened to me when trying to get Tangy on the last day, now I have 2 Cheri and Caroline. I like both, but not that much.

What? You like Caroline? Oh my gosh, Caroline is like the ugliest villager i have ever seen. Along with Soleil i guess.
hm no pokemon badges.. only got standard mario and splatoon badges that were already in it -_-
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this just confirms my fear that i'll buy anything if it has Pikmin on it

Rest easy my 2 dollars, I wanted so much better for u. I have the Pikmin themes but the badges blended into it too much imo.

At least it seems like the crane is a lot more forgiving when you're using paid plays, I tried to get some of these with free plays but it just kept dropping them and it was so frustrating. Then when I was doing paid I accidentally grabbed two of the menu pikmin at once and I'm like "no way" but it carried them both over easily. ?\_(ツ)_/? no regerts
we haven't gotten those either yet .. seems like the US is getting updates faster..
does anyone know what version the japanese one is on?
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Wow what? So they literally just removed the catchers and added them back in? Ugh...
yep, hope they don't stay for another week.. US got so many new ones this week.. and the xmas ac ones too ugh
oh well we'll get there
only got one free play today anyway--..
yep, hope they don't stay for another week.. US got so many new ones this week.. and the xmas ac ones too ugh
oh well we'll get there
only got one free play today anyway--..

Why Nintendo, this does not make any sense...

I got 4 free plays yesterday and i got the Callie and Marie badges with them, really happy with those!
A bit annoyed with the badges being the same ones as before but I do hope the other Splatoon badges come back as I didn't have enough time to get the ones I wanted. Hopefully we will have the Christmas badges soon too.
I actually laughed, thank god I didn't give them a cent.

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What? You like Caroline? Oh my gosh, Caroline is like the ugliest villager i have ever seen. Along with Soleil i guess.

Just seen this and lol she's not THAT bad. I do think here are far better squirrels and normals tho.
Here in Germany they replaced the ACNL machines with HHD ones a few days ago. Not sure if the Splatoon and Mario ones are the same, they all look the same to me at least. As long as I still have any AC badges to get, I don't mind not getting new ones all the time, though Pok?mon would be nice.

I'm still disappointed it was released after Halloween and we didn't get those adorable Joltik badges.
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