Nintendo bringing its IP to mobile devices – should we fear for Animal Crossing?

Meh. Not that long ago I was praising Nintendo for not going to mobile. I always thought it would devalue the characters and the franchise as a whole. I hope they can push past the many problems that mobile games have and PLEASE PLEASE no freemium games. (Glaring at you Pokemon Shuffle)

I really am scared they'll all be similar to Pokemon Shuffle where they just take a concept that already exists and put their characters in them. Instead of Doodle Jump or Sonic Jump we'll have Yoshi Jump and Toad Run instead of Temple Run. Angry Goomba coming 2016 to an app store near you!
While this sounds like a good idea, it could have disastrous outcome. If this were to happen, more than likely there would be in-app purchases (ex. for bells, exclusive villagers, etc.) Some people could jailbreak/root their phones in order to get more bells and items. I am also wondering if the "spin-off" (if it ever happened anyways) would still have codes for people to visit. This sounds pretty interesting though, it sounds pretty cool.
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Even if they do, who cares? People who are obsessed or bored will buy it and the rest of us won't. At most they'll probably develop spin-off games or something. Even if they release a main game for it, it probably won't be a phone exclusive so I don't think it matters.
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I'm frankly looking forward to what Nintendo will do! They've made so many great games, and I'm looking forward to a Nintendo-quality game in the App Store. There are already quite a few AC knock-offs on IOS, and while they're not bad, they're not Animal Crossing. A high quality AC I consistently have with me sounds spectacular.

While admittedly this is new territory for the Big N, and as such will come with risks, they've historically been innovators when they enter uncharted territory - for instance, high quality touch screen, or motion-control games. I have no idea what they'll do with an app game, but I'm willing to bet it's introduction will improve the average quality in the App Store. They're certainly not the kind of game-makers to bring us those low-quality, highly-addictive apps.

Animal Crossing has always been spectacular. They've already switched platforms multiple times, and I loved it every time. Nintendo has always been my favorite game-maker, across many different platforms, series, and styles. My expectations remain as they have been since I started playing video games: Nintendo will bring us creative, fun, imaginative games.

That's what my expectations will be until Nintendo decides to change that.
I'm frankly looking forward to what Nintendo will do! They've made so many great games, and I'm looking forward to a Nintendo-quality game in the App Store. There are already quite a few AC knock-offs on IOS, and while they're not bad, they're not Animal Crossing. A high quality AC I consistently have with me sounds spectacular.

While admittedly this is new territory for the Big N, and as such will come with risks, they've historically been innovators when they enter uncharted territory - for instance, high quality touch screen, or motion-control games. I have no idea what they'll do with an app game, but I'm willing to bet it's introduction will improve the average quality in the App Store. They're certainly not the kind of game-makers to bring us those low-quality, highly-addictive apps.

Animal Crossing has always been spectacular. They've already switched platforms multiple times, and I loved it every time. Nintendo has always been my favorite game-maker, across many different platforms, series, and styles. My expectations remain as they have been since I started playing video games: Nintendo will bring us creative, fun, imaginative games.

That's what my expectations will be until Nintendo decides to change that.

Those low-quality apps are available in the e-Shop though, made by Nintendo. It is the awful free to play pok?mon shuffle! You even can buy hearts to play levels! C'mon Nintendo, you do not have the copy the whole Candy Crush concept!
I will not be buying games for my smartphone nor tablet regardless of the games being from Nintendo.
I prefer to buy my games from the game shop and play them on a console. I hope the NX will stand tall and enthusiate Nintendo to make more console games
Those low-quality apps are available in the e-Shop though, made by Nintendo. It is the awful free to play pok?mon shuffle! You even can buy hearts to play levels! C'mon Nintendo, you do not have the copy the whole Candy Crush concept!

Hahaaaa, ya, I was hoping that would be a fluke...! I agree Shuffle was terrible, and a bad sign if that's what everything will be like. However, just like I don't enjoy everything Nintendo puts out, but I still love certain games of it, I'm hoping their app store games will be the same.

But ya, I agree, if Shuffle is going to be an indicator... bummer. Still hoping it's a fluke.

EDIT: Oh! I thought of a great example of an older series successfully building an app: the Professor Layton series, the Layton Brothers. That was a fun game with or without the Layton name attached. And the Phoenix Wright port to iOS has been one of my favorite apps I've played!

My overall point wasn't that everything would be great: just like we don't enjoy all the games. My point was that there is a lot of potential for great games, and with a well-known, high-quality company like Nintendo, who have successfully created a lot of series in occasionally challenging situations, I'm pretty confident they'll find some measure of success. Historically, they've always managed!
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I could see this working with Animal Crossing if it were similar to how the Gamecube and Gameboy Advanced were handled in Population: Growing!, like you could play minigames or whatever on your phone and make bells, and then use internet connection to sync those bells to your copy of New Leaf. I don't play mobile games, but it seems like a neat little time-waster that helps you out in-game. If they did do something like that I just hope that they won't use that crappy lives system that other mobile games tend to use.
My thoughts:
Please, please no IAP's. I just want to pay once and have access to a full game with no premium currency and ig money that can be earned. If nintendo can do this, they've won the App Store :p