Nintendo DS Screen Cleaning Instructions


Senior Member
Mar 29, 2006
Hi TBT members! I just thought that this little nifty thing here would help you all if you are very overprotective with your screens on your Nintendo DS. If you want to clean your screens, you will need the following materials:

2 Washcloths (one to soak and one to dry)
Water Faucet
Your Nintendo DS

Step 1) Get your Nintendo DS and your materials ready. If you do not have a washcloth, a towel will work as well.

Step 2) Open the water faucet just a little bit and take one corner of one of the washcloths and place the corner in the water. Just one swift move with the corner of the cloth under the water is all you will need.

Step 3) Gently wipe the Nintendo DS screens with the corner of the washcloth you soaked. Take about five seconds on each screen.

Step 4) Get the dry washcloth and wipe the screens. Wipe the screens until they are dry.

Step 5) Inspect the screens by turning the DS at an angle at a lamp or in a room to where you can see the light on the DS.

If there are no marks or smudges, success! If not, try the procedure again and keep doing so if the same result occurs. I hoped this helped out a bit! If your screens are dirty, try it now! It works for me! Post any questions you may have in this topic.
Oooook, sure. I usually just take some windex, pop it on the screen, wipe it with some kleenex, and then, DONE! My screen is perfectly clean every time.
What I mean if the same result occurs, I mean if the smudges are still there and keep doing it until they come off. Scratches won't come off on mine, so don't bother cleaning those.
Hmmmm....I don't know about that. I have dust under my screen myself. My theory is that maybe when the DS was being put together, the screens got dusty on the underside of the screen somehow. That's just my thought. Why not go to the NSider Forums and ask a few members?
LOL, very nice, normally...I just wipe my screen with my shirt or something...i'm gonna try that

:p Now think of ways to clean your GBA

Sonicdude41 said:
Hmmmm....I don't know about that. I have dust under my screen myself. My theory is that maybe when the DS was being put together, the screens got dusty on the underside of the screen somehow. That's just my thought. Why not go to the NSider Forums and ask a few members?
Well I don't think that's how it got there because it was ok when I bought it. I guess it justs get's there over time... who knows how...
