I would say that I prefer retro Nintendo
It's not like modern Nintendo doesn't have its highlights, but I feel Nintendo was doing so much more and pushing great new ideas much more on the retro systems. There are so many old Nintendo games where they essentially threw it out and said "right, here is the blueprint for how this type of game is done". That 'industry standard' is something that they've not really done in a long time, both in regards to hardware and software.
Plus, I find myself going back and playing those older games way more than I do their newer ones. Sometimes out of nostalgia, yea, but other times
(like games I never played as a kid) just because they hold up so well. There's a reason so many modern indie games are essentially old Nintendo games under a different name.
There's obvious exceptions and they've done the same a few times with GC-Wii U, but not like they did 'back int day'. They're not the ones setting the industry standards anymore. Even their good games are very 'paint by numbers' these days a lot of the time.
I guess it doesn't help that Nintendo has been pretty 'trashy' in its releases as of late, which probably does skew my opinion somewhat.
Seriously though, I prefer modern Nintendo. Xenoblade Chronicles...
As much as I think Xenoblade Chronicles is 'da shizz', it's pretty much just a continuation of the Xenosaga.
I dunno, it just feels similar to if somebody praised Microsoft for the existence of Dead Rising or Rise of the Tomb Raider when their only real input was financial.
I'm being petty.