NL Image-Pattern Converter!


Resident archen
Jan 31, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Bronze Trophy (Third Place)
Easter Bunny
Classic Easter Egg
Hi, I don't suppose this has been posted, but I've stumbled upon a website that works like anicro desapro did. You can upload a picture from your computer or just use an URL, specify the dimensions of what kind of pattern you want (dress, normal, pro pattern etc) and the maximum amount of colours you would like to use (max 15), and it will turn it into a pattern and point out which palette colours are to be used. Give it a try!
Thank you for posting this! :D
I will definitely try this out later.
trying to get the hang of it, not sure if its working or not lol

Edit: ah I got it and bookmarked very cool
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This is awesome :D I don't even have the game yet but I'm having so much fun converting images.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll give this a try when I can.

Edit: I'm trying to use it, but can't figure it out. It just shows a bunch of colored circles. Thanks in advance.
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I really like this and I see myself using this once the game is out!
Don't use chrome for it. I tried and it said server unavailable. Then I used Water Fox and it worked. Pretty cool site :lemon:
I've been using Chrome this entire time and it works fine for me.

I wish they would put where the face is supposed to go for face/photo boards :/ That is kind of what I was hoping to use it for as I've heard of two different sizes for them and seen 3 different face sizes now...