NL Image-Pattern Converter!

heres tupac haha
How eerie! You chose the same exact image as I did!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't notice until I tried it and then started reading the rest of the thread.
How eerie! You chose the same exact image as I did!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't notice until I tried it and then started reading the rest of the thread.

I did the same thing....creepy. Id love this as my flag

Edit: before the hate starts, def not saying I like him..its just kinda cool LOL
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Oh my word, I just tried this with the same image of Jingle but I didn't chose a palette and let it pick it's own colours and it looked far worse. - it picked about 6 shades of grey and put some thick grey splodge on the bottom right, so maybe it's better to pick one of the games palettes. Still this is an awesome find, and I'm sure I'll use it.

EDIT: Actually, maybe it picked all that grey because I first used my avatar to try it and it might have kept the same palette instead of generating a new one for the new image? :/
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Well thankyou so much for letting us know about this! It's awesome! I use it for my portal designs. So much easier!
Haha I used that cherry blossom tree picture too and it looks great, this is a very helpful site thank you for posting! :D
Image.. converter... genius! This will help out so much, and I thought having QR codes alone was great. Going to start playing with this soon!
I hope is easy to make patterns on new leaf. Sometimes on WW some pixle didn't like my ideas LOL.
Just tried it out. Looks very nice. I was never able to dsn patterns but this helps. Thanks to google translate I can use this tool!
Just bringing this up again for all the folks who haven't seen it. We've only got about a week left! :>
I figured out it! I love it, this will be an immensely useful tool.
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This is really awesome thanks for posting it. I'm sure gonna use this when I get new leaf!!!!