Shop NMTs, Gyroids, 2.0 Glowing Moss, Golden DIY sets, and 2.0 items Catalog for TBT

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  1. TBT Bells
when you're next available i'd love to come catalogue things if that's okay! in game name sammy and island name fairyvile. i can send the tbt when you reply!
Are you available right now? If so, I can provide a dodo code shortly.
Hello! Any chance you’d sell just the gear apparatus and gear tower DIYs?
Hi hoping to buy your moss set of DIYs. 150 tbt right?
can i come for the glowing moss diy set please!:)
Yes that's correct. If you send the tbt, I'll give you access to the Dodo code shortly after I gather the DIYs
Will send the tbt over now! Thanks so much! Just let me know when you are ready.
Dodo should be up top for you!

Are you trying to buy the Glowing moss DIY set? I do have another set that I can sell.

yes if its still available I'd love to purchase!
yes if its still available I'd love to purchase!
Sure, if you could give me a couple of minutes to gather them up and finish the trade with Sasey. I just want to make sure Sasey gets their DIYs. I'll reply/message you once I get them ready for you!
Sure, if you could give me a couple of minutes to gather them up and finish the trade with Sasey. I just want to make sure Sasey gets their DIYs. I'll reply/message you once I get them ready for you!

okay! thank you so so much :)
Hi, I’d like to catalog your items for 35 TBT
Sure, just send the tbt over and the dodo code should be available up top shortly after! :)

Edit: I'll be able to help you in 2 hours. I have to run out for an errand. Sorry about that.
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