No rain?


Senior Member
Oct 23, 2013
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I've found one mystery island where it was raining, but there's been no rain on my island. Over the weekend I time traveled day by day up to mid-April before returning to the current date, so in almost a month of spring days there was no rain at all?

Has anyone had rain on their island? I loved rainy days in New Leaf, especially the thunder stom.
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Yes, I have had rain. Two days ago it only rained in the morning on my island and yesterday it’s rained all day. I have not seen a thunderstorm yet tho!
I had almost nothing but rain on my first few days, though it was always sporadic which was pretty cool. I'm in the southern hemisphere though.

Had a very brief storm once too which let me tell you looks and sounds epic. :)
Yup, it rained on day two for me! It lasted almost all day, stopped for about an hour around 4pm and then started right back up.
Rained this morning on my island, it has since stopped.
I had a rainy day on Sunday I believe! It was just a light rain all through out the day. My island is in the Northern Hemisphere.
Today was stormy in my town. First rainy day since I started.

I don't time travel, for reference.
Nope, I've not had any rain on my island yet either. It started raining on a mystery island I went to last night but that's it so far.
Actually it’s rained like everyday in my game.

I like the rain but I’m kinda over it lol

But what’s interesting is that sometimes it will stop raining and then pick up again. I don’t think it changes hourly like it use to.
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It's raining today on Tuvalu!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Btw how often does the weather change? Daily? Twice a day? or even hour by hour?
I haven't been able to predict when the weather changes because it happens so gradually. I finally had the skies clear up last night so I could see the stars!
Rained on day 2 and rained yesterday as well! I think it's just totally random.
Actually it’s rained like everyday in my game.

I like the rain but I’m kinda over it lol

But what’s interesting is that sometimes it will stop raining and then pick up again. I don’t think it changes hourly like it use to.

It's definitely still hourly. In the minutes before the hour changes the rain even thins out so it's naturally gone by the switch.

I've had rain every goshdarn day since I got the game and I'm TIRED of it
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I've had rain 3 days this last week. It was raining this morning, and I was able to catch yet another coelacanth before work.
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I've had rain on and off in my town, but it usually only lasts maybe for about an hour. Then it turned to a bright sunny day again. Meanwhile a friend of mine has had rain or dark overcast days nearly every time I went there.
I have had a lot of rain, my island is in the Northern Hemispere. Maybe its really located since I'm from the Netherlands, we usually have a lot of rain. Haha.