who has time to write that
but really? laziness doesn't keep us from becoming serial killers, the only reason there are serial killers is because they are either possessed or mentally ill.
"weakness" doesn't make us follow the herd. many different aspects can lead to it, but following the herd isn't even a bad thing in most cases. people enjoy having a similar interest as others, which bring unity to people all over the world.
and you are completely missing the point. we don't feel the need to spend MONEY to buy the GAME if we dont know if we will enjoy it.
also, we LOOK at the game and say "hm, it looks like a direct copy of Mario Party but with amiibo and a few slight changes, not worth $60." not "oooooh that outfit looks like its part of a great storyline, and the grass in the picture looks like the world map was very thought out."
we aren't "lazy, selfish, and weak" because we look to other sources to see if we might be interested in a game, it isn't smart to spend money especially if you don't have an idea of the game itself.
that whole statement was full of arrogant and offensive thoughts and was obviously not logically thought out. if you want to hold a correct and valid argument, please consider how you offensively generalize the whole of humanity before you say it.
and im sorry, you don't have instinct.
if you "do", then you have a very sad life of spending all your time playing video games or you just have really good luck. most of the games i have bought i really love, and not because everyone else was playing them. you know why?
i looked them up and found out what they were about.
you know what else?
i, at 15 years old, spent MY hard earned money on them after THINKING and ANALYZING each game because i'm not about to regret buying something that expensive.
I wrote all that to explain my position. And you don't agree. That's fine.
Truth is independent of the speaker.
Test out my 3 Rule theory for yourself. Those are neutral statements that can have both positive & negative results.
Selfish, Lazy, & Weak aren't necessarily bad things if you really took in what I said.
I explained both sides of the coin on each trait. I like to be thorough so it makes my posts wordy.
I don't have "very good luck". I have been buying games like this for 25 years.
And I have many other interests beside buying videogames.
In fact I use these instincts on A LOT of things I buy. I use this skill in life in general.
It's a skill I have developed & I'm trying to share that with everybody here who finds themselves more dependent on reviews.
Maybe it's because I come from a different generation.
Reviews are normal to people today so I can understand the disagreement with my statements.
Since I grew up without videogame reviews being normal, I didn't depend on them.
When I saw amiibo Festival announced at E3 2015 & got over my initial disappointment that it wasn't a mainline Animal Crossing game on Wii U, I started seeing what the game was presenting to me from the presentation.
I saw the turnips mechanic inside & KNEW that this wasn't gonna be a Mario Party game.
I figured out early on that this would be the life of Animal Crossing in a board game format.
And when I bought the game & played it, it lived up to every expectation I had of it.
I stayed away from most news & previews on the game only looking for the release date.
I went dark on the game before it came out.
That way I could get a clearer opinion & view of the gameplay without the echo of some reviewer's bias.
The game actually surprised me with how it unleashes more of itself the more you play.
I wouldn't come to that conclusion if I listened to the reviewers & I would have missed out on an enjoyable game.
If you want to follow the reviewer's lead, go right ahead.
I'm here to offer an alternative view that the weight of their words isn't as great as is advertised.
In fact, you'll probably get better input from Let's Plays then reviews these days anyway.
Actually seeing the game in action & being enjoyed by people can give you a better sense of the game than some review post.
I just got through watching Let's Plays from
Commander Holly.
And wouldn't you know it but one of the people playing on Commander Holly's videos mentioned how the reviewers bashed this game & made him wary of playing it but now that he's played it he can't see what all the hate's about.
I nodded my head saying "EXACTLY!"
It wasn't a surprise to me. I know that reviewers' opinions are massively overrated.
To each his/her own.
For those who want to see an alternative way of judging what's good to buy, try my method & see if things don't get better.
Once you build this instinct, it'll be hard to sell you trash & your money will go much further.
I don't even know what a Gamestop trade-in is. Never had to use it.
I look up every game before I buy because like The Hidden Owl said, I don't wanna waste my money. It's not just about whether the game is enjoyable or not either. I've avoided games that have game breaking bugs in them, something I could not have known about just by "going off the concept" or "looking at the back of the box." Unfortunately, a company's reputation does not guarantee that any individual game will be bug free or enjoyable for you.
Doing research is good to do before buying anything expensive. I agree that the reviews on gaming sites are often very nit picky, and can be biased, but that's why it's best to look at multiple sources. I find reading forums like this one the most helpful. People who enjoyed games I also enjoyed are more likely to perceive a new game in that series similarly to me, and so I find their insight more relevant in general. Taking other's opinion into consideration is not a bad thing and does not mean you are not thinking for yourself. I have no problems buying a game that has poor reviews or that others dislike, provided that I think that I would personally enjoy a game.
Heck, a negative review might even give me the information I need to know I might enjoy a game. A reviewer could say, "I hate the combat system", but based on the description of said combat system, I may find that it is something that would appeal to me. It's not that hard to distinguish a reviewer's personal preference from an objective fact.
If some decide to only go by the reviews, that's on them if they miss out on something they might have enjoyed. If other people like to go in blind with only the reputation of the gaming company and the box art to inform their decision, then that's cool too. None of that invalidates the desire to want to research a product before buying. When buying games, people just have to do what works for them, because only the buyer knows what their preferences and previous experiences are. If a buyer's method of choosing games comes back to bite them later, chances are they will change their strategy in the future.
Well I'll say a forum where people actually played the game IS a better source than professional reviewers.
I'll agree with you there. First-hand accounts ALWAYS make a difference.
It seems to me that you don't truly rely on reviewers either.
You're checking their opinions against your own when making a decision.
In other words, even though you may use the reviewer backdrop, in truth you're still using your own judgment.
You're still relying on your instincts, your intuitions, your gut feelings.
All I'm saying is don't inflate the importance of these types of people.
You're not gonna get the real story from them either because of jadedness, bias, or payola.
Level-5's reputation is intact. Atlus's reputation is intact.
The ones who follow Nintendo's lead tend to have more cohesive reputations.
I sympathize with those who have to go through the usual 3rd Party minefield where all is not what it seems.
Maybe THIS is why so many swear by the importance of reviews on this thread.
It's hard to trust most of the 3rd Parties these days when it comes to quality.
John Lucas