wow this looks like its starting to flame! :llama:

any way when does this start?(dont say "see rules" Because its not in the rules! lol) :lol:
To Gengar:
You haven't seen me in any other threads?? I usually post in alot of them...
To fish: get out of this topic plz. I took away the "advertisement" why don't you just give my carne a chance? I got an idea. Gengar if you are willing to join, then I will give you a chance, you too fish, if you wanna go, just see rules and enter what is supposed to be and you, brewster, and gengar, are gonna go to the carne to check it out, rate it from 1-10
Sorry Gabbalaya, you will be in the next carne, this is just a chance to show them that I mean good for them.

1. Brewster Has Entered Rules
2. Gengar Reviewer
3. fish Reviewer
2 Is Opened
I did just see you in an Ipod thread, Markos. Once again, sorry about that.

If I'm able to I would like to see what this is all about. I'll post my information in a bit.

Markos96 said:
@Gengar. You're registered
@fish. get the hell outta this topic
You think saying that will get me to leave?

fat chance.

You strike me as someone willing to bring a gun to school.
never mind...just let this topic die
fish, why do you have to ruin other people's fun, if you still wnt the carnival to go, post saying so
Markos96 said:
never mind...just let this topic die
fish, why do you have to ruin other people's fun, if you still wnt the carnival to go, post saying so
Well, fish didn't really ruin anything. Its just, I can't afford the price at the time, thats all.