Nook's Cranny furniture variation survey - updated results!


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2017
Planet Glow Wand
Space Whale Plush
Glowing Butterfly Spirit
Dino Plush
Prismatic Easter Egg
Shooting Star
Aurora Sky
Rad Feather
So we already know that the Nook Mile items are divided into groups and you get a certain selection of groups available on your island. To me, the next logical step is seeing if these groups also determine the items available in Nook's Cranny or if there's at least some sort of pattern, but so far I haven't been able to find any research done on this online or whether it's been proven/disproven (and if it's true, what are the groups?), so I thought I'd set up a survey! So far, from what I can tell based on a very small sample size, yellow airports give the blue imperial series, for example.

If you want to do the survey, just fill out the Nook Mile item groups you have based on the image posted below (in the spoiler since the image is pretty big; I just added numbers to the groups to make it easier to identify them; for example, mine are Yellow-5355) and the variations of the furniture items/sets given (there are a lot listed so that you can just fill in the ones you know if you're not sure about all of them, but I believe the catalogue on the Nintendo Switch Online app lists your native variation first, I haven't checked the in-game one though).


On a somewhat unrelated (but also sort of related) note, I have another theory on the groups in that some of them are partially dependent on each other, so some combinations of groups would be impossible.
I'm guessing that each island has a certain numbered seed and then a modulo operation is used with that seed on the number of variants there are of an item. For example, all islands with red airports might have a seed equal to 4k+1 for some integer k, while green airports could be in the form 4k+2.

If that's true, then if your seed is a multiple of 4, then it must be equal to either 8k or 8k+4, so in the public bench/phone box group, you only have two possibilities to choose from. Similarly, if your seed is a multiple of 4, then it's equal to either 6k, 6k+2, or 6k+4 for some integer k, so for each airport colour there are only three potential lighthouse colours instead of six, because three of them correspond to 6k+1, 6k+3, or 6k+5, which can never be a multiple of four.

I looked through the data given on this thread and came up with the following:

- Yellow airports get public benches in white or black/white (along with the phone box in the same group)
- Green airports get public benches in green or green/orange
- Blue airports get public benches in red or blue/pink
- Red airports get public benches in blue or blue/yellow
- Airports that are yellow or green can get lighthouses in red, yellow, or blue (along with the other items in the same group)
- Airports that are red or blue can get lighthouses in white, grey, or black

If that's true and the furniture in Nook's Cranny is based off the same groups, we could find out or at least narrow down quite a bit of the possibilities for native furniture variations just by looking at the airport colour, and we could find out if, say, the rattan series colour determines the antique series colour.


Nook Mile item groups:
Antique series:
Imperial series:
Cute series:
Rattan series:
Diner series:
Imperial dining lantern:
Imperial dining chair/table:
Magic kit:
Whirlpool bath:
Garden lantern:
Throwback gothic mirror:
Book stands:
Anthurium plant:
Celebratory candles:
Fragrance diffuser:
Baby bear:
Mama bear:
Papa bear:
Throwback rocket:
Long bathtub:
Rocket lamp:
Portable radio:
Kids' tent:

Nook Mile item groups: Yellow-5355
Antique series: Black
Imperial series: Blue
Cute series: White
Rattan series: Light brown
Diner series: Black
Imperial dining lantern: Gold
Imperial dining chair/table: Black/Red
Magic kit: Blue
Whirlpool bath: Black
Garden lantern: White
Globe: Standard
Throwback gothic mirror: White
Book stands: Pastel
Fan: Black
Hourglass: White
Anthurium plant: Pink
Celebratory candles: Blue
Fragrance diffuser: Pink
Baby bear: Cream
Mama bear: Tweed
Papa bear: Checkered
Throwback rocket: Red
Long bathtub: White
Rocket lamp: Purple
Portable radio: Green
Kids' tent: Brown
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I’m going to have to figure some out and come back and fill in the missing info; some of these I don’t remember my original color/ don’t know 😅

Nook Mile item groups: Orange 2465
Antique series: black
Imperial series: brown
Cute series: sky blue (pretty sure)
Rattan series: brown
Diner series:
Magic kit:
Whirlpool bath: white
Garden lantern: white
Throwback gothic mirror:
Book stands:
Fan: light blue
Anthurium plant: black
Celebratory candles: white
Fragrance diffuser: green
Baby bear:
Mama bear:
Papa bear:
Throwback rocket:
Long bathtub:
Rocket lamp:
Portable radio: pink
Kids' tent: blue and white stripe

like I said, will try and fill in more soon!
my memory is,, atrocious but i did the ones that i remember. :’)

nook mile item groups: orange/red 2367
imperial series: brown
cute series: white
rattan series: brown
whirlpool bath: white
garden lantern: white
celebratory candles: blue
kids’ tent: stripes
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My nook miles items: Orange2367

Antique series: black
Rattan series: gray
Whirlpool bath: white
Garden lantern: white
Celebratory candles: blue
Long bathtub: pink
Portable radio: pink
Kids' tent: blue/white stripes

Will update as I go
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If you want to do the survey, just fill out the Nook Mile item groups you have based on the image posted below (in the spoiler since the image is pretty big; I just added numbers to the groups to make it easier to identify them; for example, mine are Yellow-5355) and the variations of the furniture items/sets given (there are a lot listed so that you can just fill in the ones you know if you're not sure about all of them, but I believe the catalogue on the Nintendo Switch Online app lists your native variation first, I haven't checked the in-game one though).
This seems to be the case, but for the app only. With the variants I was pretty sure about, I checked both, and in the app, they showed up first, but not in the in-game catalog. It seems there's a set order (red/blue/yellow/... for the diner set, for instance), just in the app your native version is moved to the first position (so for me, cream/red/blue/yellow/...). Also, it seems the version you see as the image in the search results, before clicking on the item to see a detailed description, is your native color.

Going off this, I'll use the app to check, but the ones I remember seeing in-game are bolded, just to be safe. In the future, I'll try and update.

Nook Mile item groups: Orange-2323
Antique series: Black
Imperial series: Brown
Cute series: White
Rattan series: Black
Diner series: Cream
Imperial dining lantern: Black
Imperial dining chair/table: Brown
Magic kit: Red
Whirlpool bath: White
Garden lantern: White
Globe: Standard
Throwback gothic mirror: White
Book stands: Colorful
Fan: Light blue
Hourglass: Black
Anthurium plant: Pink
Celebratory candles: Blue
Fragrance diffuser: Pink
Baby bear: Floral
Mama bear: Choco
Papa bear: Caramel mocha
Throwback rocket: Black
Long bathtub: Two-toned tile
Rocket lamp: Turquoise
Portable radio: Black
Kids' tent: Colorful
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Nook Mile item groups: Yellow5416
Antique series: Black
Imperial series: Blue
Cute series: Sky Blue
Rattan series: Light Brown
Diner series: Red
Magic kit: Blue
Whirlpool bath: Black
Garden lantern: White
Globe: Standard
Throwback gothic mirror: Black
Book stands: Pastel
Fan: Black
Hourglass: White
Anthurium plant: Black
Celebratory candles: White
Fragrance diffuser: Yellow
Baby bear: Cream
Mama bear: Tweed
Papa bear:
Throwback rocket: Red
Long bathtub: Black Marble
Rocket lamp: Green
Portable radio: Red
Kids' tent: Black

I'll need to double check a couple of them and find out what the rest are, then I'll edit this list :D

Edited to update this, just taken a quick look at the app to double check some so will put in bold the ones I've changed and added
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Thank you for doing this - I've always wondered what the constraints were when it comes to this stuff. I really wish we weren't limited to certain colour types like this, but it would at least be nice to know how it works!

Nook Mile Item groups - Orange 1322
Antique series: brown
Imperial series: brown
Cute series: pink
Rattan series: white
Diner series: aquamarine
Magic kit: red
Whirlpool bath: white
Garden lantern: bronze
Globe: Hmm, sepia is the first one listed in my app catalog, but I swear the standard is the one I usually see in my store?
Throwback gothic mirror: red
Book stands: colourful
Fan: white
Hourglass: Again, black is listed first but I'm sure I always seem to see natural!
Anthurium plant: pink
Celebratory candles: blue
Fragrance diffuser: yellow
Baby bear: cream
Mama bear: cream
Papa bear: cream
Throwback rocket: black
Long bathtub: light blue
Rocket lamp: red
Portable radio: black
Kids' tent: Colourful
Globe: Hmm, sepia is the first one listed in my app catalog, but I swear the standard is the one I usually see in my store?
Hourglass: Again, black is listed first but I'm sure I always seem to see natural!
Maybe a dumb question, but are you sure you've bought the versions you remember seeing before? It would be an explanation why they wouldn't be first in your catalog.
Maybe a dumb question, but are you sure you've bought the versions you remember seeing before? It would be an explanation why they wouldn't be first in your catalog.

It's a good point - sure, I've definitely owned them, but I guess I don't remember whether that's because I actually bought them from the store or not. I'll have to try buying them and see if it changes anything!
It's a good point - sure, I've definitely owned them, but I guess I don't remember whether that's because I actually bought them from the store or not. I'll have to try buying them and see if it changes anything!
Ah, if you've ever owned them, then that should be enough. I know I personally didn't buy most of the items in my catalog, especially when it comes to complete sets, but it still always displayed the same color for all the items from the set.
I've been wondering this too! Interested to see results!

Here's mine -

Orange 6266
Antique series: natural
Imperial series: brown
Cute series: blue
Rattan series: reddish brown
Diner series: red
Magic kit: red
Whirlpool bath: white
Garden lantern: black
Globe: cool
Throwback gothic mirror: black
Book stands: colorful
Fan: light blue
Hourglass: black is in my shop today, but I've definitely seen natural before and it's listed first in the app - maybe this one doesn't have a native colour?
Anthurium plant: light blue
Celebratory candles: black
Fragrance diffuser: blue
Baby bear: tweed
Mama bear: checkered*
Papa bear: floral*
Throwback rocket: ?
Long bathtub: black marble
Rocket lamp: green
Portable radio: pink
Kids' tent: stripes

*Not certain, will update
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Well, this is really interesting. Here’s my info! Very intrigued and I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Nook Mile item groups: Blue 2185
Antique series: Black
Imperial series: red
Cute series: red
Rattan series: black
Diner series: black
Magic kit: blue
Whirlpool bath: white
Garden lantern: white
Globe: cool
Throwback gothic mirror: white
Book stands: black
Fan: not sure
Hourglass: not sure
Anthurium plant: not sure
Celebratory candles: light brown
Fragrance diffuser: white
Baby bear: floral
Mama bear: choco
Papa bear: Carmel mocha
Throwback rocket: not sure
Long bathtub: white
Rocket lamp: purple
Portable radio: blue
Kids' tent: brown (I think - I have all variants in my catalog, it might be the blue stars)
As JKDOS said, I thought the dataminers already figured this out, but who knows, maybe there is a super secret formula that you're discovering!

I'm not sure of all of these, but the ones I know are as follows.

Nook Mile item groups: Orange-1267
Antique series: Brown
Imperial series: Brown
Cute series: Blue
Rattan series: White
Diner series:
Magic kit: Red
Whirlpool bath: White
Garden lantern: Bronze
Throwback gothic mirror: Red
Book stands: Colorful
Hourglass: Black
Anthurium plant: Light Blue
Celebratory candles: Black
Fragrance diffuser:
Baby bear:
Mama bear:
Papa bear:
Throwback rocket: Silver
Long bathtub:
Rocket lamp: Blue
Portable radio: Pink
Kids' tent:
Thanks to everyone who's filled out the survey so far! Some things seem to have a correlation at this point (imperial set and whirlpool bath line up to airport colour, celebratory candles and anthurium plant to the tourist telescope groups, antique series to the lighthouse groups) with more items having potential with more data, and others don't really match as expected yet, but hopefully with more responses there'll be some sort of pattern that emerges.

I'm also going to add the imperial dining stuff to the survey because they don't match the regular imperial series, so I'm interested to see which pieces would go with each set.

I thought the data miners (Ninji mainly) determined the other stuff were truly random.
I hadn't heard that before, but that's interesting if it's true. I'm still curious though because some things really do seem to line up so far!
Going to go by my Nintendo Online app as some of it I doubt I'll remember for sure.

Nook Mile item groups: Blue 1585
Antique series: Brown
Imperial series: Red
Cute series: Yellow
Rattan series: White
Diner series: Black
Magic kit: Red
Whirlpool bath: White
Garden lantern: Bronze
Globe: Sepia
Throwback gothic mirror: Red
Book stands: Black
Fan: White
Hourglass: Natural
Anthurium plant: White
Celebratory candles: Brown
Fragrance diffuser: Blue
Baby bear: Caramel mocha
Mama bear: Cream
Papa bear: Tweed
Throwback rocket: Green
Long bathtub: White
Rocket lamp: Purple
Portable radio: Light blue
Kids' tent: Blue
Here are some tables for the potential groups so far; I'm only including the ones that I think are fully matched by all the data currently posted (there aren't any green airport responses, so I'm just using process of elimination for those items):

Green Tourist Telescope NM GroupBlue Tourist Telescope NM GroupWhite Tourist Telescope NM GroupGrey Tourist Telescope NM GroupBlack Tourist Telescope NM Group
Red cute seriesBlue cute seriesWhite cute seriesSky blue cute seriesYellow cute series
Brown anthurium plantLight blue anthurium plantPink anthurium plantBlack anthurium plantWhite anthurium plant
Light brown celebratory candlesBlack celebratory candlesBlue celebratory candlesWhite celebratory candlesBrown celebratory candles

White Springy Ride-On NM GroupBlack Springy Ride-On NM GroupYellow Springy Ride-On NM GroupRed Springy Ride-On NM GroupPink Springy Ride-On NM GroupZebra Springy Ride-On NM GroupBrown Springy Ride-On NM Group
Aquamarine diner seriesCream diner seriesBlack diner seriesRed diner series
Light blue long bathtubTwo-toned tile long bathtubWhite long bathtubBlack marble long bathtubPink long bathtub
Red rocket lampTurquoise rocket lampPurple rocket lampGreen rocket lampBlue rocket lamp

Red Public Bench NM GroupLight Blue/Pink Public Bench NM GroupBlue Public Bench NM GroupBlue/Yellow Public Bench NM Group
Blue airportBlue airportOrange airportOrange airport
Red imperial seriesRed imperial seriesBrown imperial seriesBrown imperial series
White whirlpool bathWhite whirlpool bathWhite whirlpool bathWhite whirlpool bath
Natural hourglassNatural hourglassBlack hourglassBlack hourglass
Blue kids' tentColourful kids' tentStriped kids' tent

White Public Bench NM GroupMonotone Public Bench NM GroupGreen Public Bench NM GroupGreen/Orange Public Bench NM Group
Yellow airportYellow airportGreen airportGreen airport
Blue imperial seriesBlue imperial seriesBlack imperial seriesBlack imperial series
Black whirlpool bathBlack whirlpool bathBlack whirlpool bathBlack whirlpool bath
White hourglassWhite hourglassBrown hourglassBrown hourglass
Brown kids' tent

Black Lighthouse NM GroupWhite Lighthouse NM GroupGrey Lighthouse NM GroupYellow Lighthouse NM GroupRed Lighthouse NM GroupBlue Lighthouse NM Group
Blue or orange airportBlue or orange airportBlue or orange airportYellow or green airportYellow or green airportYellow or green airport
Brown antique seriesBlack antique seriesNatural antique seriesBrown antique seriesBlack antique seriesNatural antique series

More data would be needed for the other items in order to make a prediction, as some items have conflicting data and some don't have enough yet. The rattan series in particular is intriguing, since between the five people who had X-2xxx NM groups, three different rattan series colours were reported (brown, grey, and black), and I'd have thought they'd all have the same (the three group 1s and two group 5s all match on having the white and light brown rattan series respectively, though), making it the only one of the five main furniture series with conflicting data so far.

Also, please take the survey if you haven't already so we can get some more data!
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I used the Nintendo Online App! There's no way I'd remember otherwise.

Nook Mile item groups: Green 4337
Antique series: Brown
Imperial series: Black
Cute series: White
Rattan series: Brown
Diner series: Yellow
Imperial dining lantern: Blue
Imperial dining chair/table: Black
Magic kit: Blue
Whirlpool bath: Black
Garden lantern: Bronze
Globe: Sepia
Throwback gothic mirror: Red
Book stands: Brown
Fan: Pink
Hourglass: Brown
Anthurium plant: Pink
Celebratory candles: Blue
Fragrance diffuser: Pink
Baby bear: Checkered
Mama bear: Floral
Papa bear: Choco
Throwback rocket: Silver
Long bathtub: Pink
Rocket lamp: Blue
Portable radio: White
Kids' tent: White

For what it's worth, I looked through Ninji's Twitter, and I could only find one bit that seems to point to the fact that furniture items are locked to islands:

From Ninji's post about Redd, here:

Very curious to see what this digs up though, since I can't find any actual data / anything interesting beyond this little morsel.
Nook Mile item groups: Blue 2,2,8,2
Antique series: black
Imperial series: red
Cute series: blue
Rattan series:black
Diner series: aqua
Imperial dining lantern: red
Imperial dining chair/table:brown
Magic kit: red
Whirlpool bath: white
Garden lantern: white
Globe: standard
Throwback gothic mirror: white
Book stands: black
Fan: white
Hourglass: natural
Anthurium plant: light blue
Celebratory candles: black
Fragrance diffuser: yellow
Baby bear: floral
Mama bear: choco
Papa bear: caramel mocha
Throwback rocket: black
Long bathtub: light blue
Rocket lamp:red
Portable radio: light blue
Kids' tent: blue
Here are the updated tables with all of the survey items and which variants belong to each group! The only ones I'm not confident about are the rattan series, fragrance diffuser, and throwback rocket, since there were a lot of contradictory values given for each, so I chose the pattern that matched the most data. Everything else has a pretty clear pattern, though, so here it is! :D

Green Tourist Telescope NM GroupBlue Tourist Telescope NM GroupWhite Tourist Telescope NM GroupGrey Tourist Telescope NM GroupBlack Tourist Telescope NM Group
Red cute seriesBlue cute seriesWhite cute seriesSky blue cute seriesYellow cute series
Brown anthurium plantLight blue anthurium plantPink anthurium plantBlack anthurium plantWhite anthurium plant
Light brown celebratory candlesBlack celebratory candlesBlue celebratory candlesWhite celebratory candlesBrown celebratory candles
White fragrance diffuserYellow fragrance diffuserPink fragrance diffuserGreen fragrance diffuserBlue fragrance diffuser

White Springy Ride-On NM GroupBlack Springy Ride-On NM GroupYellow Springy Ride-On NM GroupRed Springy Ride-On NM GroupPink Springy Ride-On NM GroupZebra Springy Ride-On NM GroupBrown Springy Ride-On NM Group
Aquamarine diner seriesCream diner seriesBlack diner seriesRed diner seriesYellow diner series
Light blue long bathtubTwo-toned tile long bathtubWhite long bathtubBlack marble long bathtubPink long bathtub
Red rocket lampTurquoise rocket lampPurple rocket lampGreen rocket lampBlue rocket lamp

Red Public Bench NM GroupLight Blue/Pink Public Bench NM GroupBlue Public Bench NM GroupBlue/Yellow Public Bench NM Group
Blue airportBlue airportOrange airportOrange airport
Red imperial seriesRed imperial seriesBrown imperial seriesBrown imperial series
Red imperial dining lanternRed imperial dining lanternBlack imperial dining lanternBlack imperial dining lantern
Brown imperial dining chair/tableBrown imperial dining chair/tableBrown imperial dining chair/tableBrown imperial dining chair/table
Red magic kitRed magic kitRed magic kitRed magic kit
White whirlpool bathWhite whirlpool bathWhite whirlpool bathWhite whirlpool bath
Black book standsBlack book standsColourful book standsColourful book stands
White fanWhite fanLight blue fanLight blue fan
Natural hourglassNatural hourglassBlack hourglassBlack hourglass
Light blue portable radioBlack portable radioPink portable radio
Blue kids' tentColourful kids' tentStriped kids' tent

White Public Bench NM GroupMonotone Public Bench NM GroupGreen Public Bench NM GroupGreen/Orange Public Bench NM Group
Yellow airportYellow airportGreen airportGreen airport
Blue imperial seriesBlue imperial seriesBlack imperial seriesBlack imperial series
Gold imperial dining lanternGold imperial dining lanternBlue imperial dining lanternBlue imperial dining lantern
Black/red imperial dining chair/tableBlack/red imperial dining chair/tableBlack/red imperial dining chair/tableBlack/red imperial dining chair/table
Blue magic kitBlue magic kitBlue magic kitBlue magic kit
Black whirlpool bathBlack whirlpool bathBlack whirlpool bathBlack whirlpool bath
Pastel book standsPastel book standsBrown book standsBrown book stands
Black fanBlack fanPink fanPink fan
White hourglassWhite hourglassBrown hourglassBrown hourglass
Red portable radioGreen portable radioWhite portable radio
Black kids' tentBrown kids' tentWhite kids' tent

Black Lighthouse NM GroupWhite Lighthouse NM GroupGrey Lighthouse NM GroupYellow Lighthouse NM GroupRed Lighthouse NM GroupBlue Lighthouse NM Group
Blue or orange airportBlue or orange airportBlue or orange airportYellow or green airportYellow or green airportYellow or green airport
Brown antique seriesBlack antique seriesNatural antique seriesBrown antique seriesBlack antique seriesNatural antique series
White rattan seriesBlack rattan seriesReddish brown rattan seriesBrown rattan seriesLight brown rattan seriesGrey rattan series
Bronze garden lanternWhite garden lanternBlack garden lanternBronze garden lanternWhite garden lanternBlack garden lantern
Sepia globeStandard globeCool globeSepia globeStandard globeCool globe
Red throwback gothic mirrorWhite throwback gothic mirrorBlack throwback gothic mirrorRed throwback gothic mirrorWhite throwback gothic mirrorBlack throwback gothic mirror
Caramel mocha baby bearFloral baby bearCheckered baby bearCream baby bear
Cream mama bearChoco mama bearFloral mama bearTweed mama bear
Tweed papa bearCaramel mocha papa bearChoco papa bearCheckered papa bear
Green throwback rocketBlack throwback rocketSilver throwback rocketRed throwback rocket