I'm definitely interested in a trade for special cards! I'll keep your offer in mind and if I don't get any other offers for Merengue, I'll let you know within a few days! Thanks
Hi! I'm really interested in getting Skye, and I know I don't have any of your especially wanted cards - however I do have a few Special cards that you are looking for. Hopefully we could work something out :3
I have from Wave 1 :
12: Redd
13: Saharah
14: Luna
16: Lyle
And from Wave 3 :
201: Rover
215: Isabelle
Lmk if you'd be interested! Btw I'm from Canada ^-^
I have Rudy, do you have Julian by chance for trade?
My Bonbon for your Big Top?
I have an extra Astrid.
I have an extra Astrid.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Sorry had it backwards, you don't need Astrid
I have an extra Astrid.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Sorry had it backwards, you don't need Astrid
- - - Post Merge - - -
I have an extra Static
I have Timmy and I'm looking for Kid Cat, but I'm wondering if that would be an uneven trade?