Not Much Going On


Fairy Queen from Majesty
Aug 30, 2015
Throwback Tickets
It's been really warm outside (even more so inside) lately...I know 75-80 degree weather does not sound that bad, but when your parents don't want to turn on air conditioning in order to save money, trust gets SWELTERING in my room sometimes. I'm going to hate summer...all I have is this box-shaped fan and I can only open my window at night. That's because there's this wasp patrolling my window every so often and since bugs like that are one of my biggest fears, the window stays closed x-x I've had like 3 of them already sneak into the house without knowing where they came from...I'm not going to suddenly find one making a nest out of my bedroom...heck no XD

Because of this, I can't wait to move into my new house. It's being built right now I think, and we won't be able to move in until late September early October-ish. I'll be in college by then if I don't take a semester off. I should have just taken the year off, but I already applied and everything...I don't know what to least my new house is awesome. No shabby carpets, no infestation of wasps and bugs, no tiny kitchen, and I get an awesome view on the second floor ;u; And also...theres a pool right across the street ;u; This will literally be the biggest house I've ever lived in. Ever. I just have one concern...I really wish we weren't bringing a frikin' zoo with us...2 dogs, 2 cats, and some other animal that will be in the fishtank (if my grandparents move in with us, that makes yet ANOTHER dog). The house will have to be vaccumed and crap every single day...and of course that will be MY responsibility...because it always is -_-

I'm taking my finals in school right now, and I get my final yearbook on monday. My cap and gown though, still hasn't come in the mail...I really hope it gets here on time. It will be extremely embarrassing to have to put on a used one.

Not much going on in Platinum. I keep debating wether or not to give one of my shinies to my friend. Her other friend never was able to catch and give her a shiny like he planned, so i thought maybe i would. Her favorite used to be Luxray, which would be super convinient right now...but nope, her favorite is now Espeon (if limited to 4th gen and under). I tried looking for a shiny Eevee, but then gave up and thought her friend would come through anyway. But he didn't, so now maybe i should look again? Other than that, I've just been going places i couldn't before. Which now that i think about it, is kind of a waste of time XD I mean, I've already done everything else, so now the items I find are pretty much useless XD Well, I still hoard money in order to buy the furniture for my Villa (i never see Lucas there sad ;-;.) I recently bought the PC, and guess what? You can't use it! >_< Seriously, why go through the trouble of spending your hard-earned cash on awesome furniture you can't even use? <_<

I made this joke with my friend that the Electric Gym leader, Volkner is actually harboring a secret crush on my character XD He says things like "You! and me! Let's make some sparks fly!" and whenever i say no to a battle he's like "Aww come on...don't disappoint me..." What a serious love triangle XD

Well, I have some stuff due tomorrow...gotta finish this essay thing and read the rest of the book i got at school. :/ I know for sure I'll do fine on the final, so maybe I'll just slack off and only finish the book XD I have an 87 or something in that class, pretty sure I have some room for slack. I'll cross my fingers and hope I'll keep that good grade regardless of what I do.

If I'm not too busy, and I'm in the mood, maybe I'll start writing those stories I mentioned a few blogs ago. But It's not very likely...stories are still in development anyway XD

'I shot, and then I missed. then i missed again. and then i fired. and then i missed. I passed out in the snow.'