not to sound mean but im aggrivated.


Senior Member
Feb 9, 2009
OK i think these pointless grass topics should be banned because nintendo really doesnt care, i mean THEY MADE IT so they basically knew what they were doing, right? they are probably never going to fix it just because they have of other things to do and we are just wasting their time. and they KNEW that we should be capable of growing our grass back, thats why they made it like that. so people out there that are making pointless grass petitons, nintendo is not even gonna look in your direction. i mean i actually like the grass dying and growing back, its more realistic. but that is my opinion. so stop whining to nintendo becuase they are only going to give you auto responses. so these kinds of topics should be banned because they are annoying and people that sign them kinda, in the back of their head, know it pointless.
joshmosh345 said:
I mean yeah, this is only for grass petitions online. I know how to fix my grass, I wait.
I can't understand that post. :l

Well grass should of been made easier to recover.

Fixed grammar.
But still don't fully get your statement...
what i meant was that my first statement is about how im aggrivated with people arguing with grass petitions, and that I KNOW how to fix my grass to growing back. But do the people who are signing grass petitions know how or are they just stuck to whining to nintendo.
joshmosh345 said:
i kinda agree. maybe if could actually water the grass with your watering can, maybe >_>
When you're talking in the first person you use a capital i.

C'mon even I know that.
awh, boo-hoo grammar talk, isn't that just spam in one way or another? >_>

and let those people sign petitions, and why'd you make a topic to complain about complaining gamers? >_<
Rene said:
awh, boo-hoo grammar talk, isn't that just spam in one way or another? >_>

and let those people sign petitions, and why'd you make a topic to complain about complaining gamers? >_<
Lmao, thank you. And with that, I leave.
ok fine, those people who sign grass petitions, KEEP ON SIGNING! i just think they are wasting their time. AND if nintendo actually does fix it, idk, but still it just seems pointless to me...but i guess not to them. SO in a way im wrong, not them, they're just hoping for something OK. now please get off my back, for something i didnt fully understand.
joshmosh345 said:
ok fine, those people who sign grass petitions, KEEP ON SIGNING! i just think they are wasting their time. AND if nintendo actually does fix it, idk, but still it just seems pointless to me...but i guess not to them.
everyone is allowed to spend their time in any way they want, so i'd just let them be ..
Personally, I don't think Nintendo's going to fix it, but maybe in the next game they'll reconsider it ..
Thats what you think. But you can't decide that his/her destiny to make those petitions will fail? WE HAVE WIFI YOU KNOW TO FIX IT. And one day when those petitions WILL suceed, you will be a failure. =]
Nintendo CANNOT fix it. I repeat, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE UNLESS THEY RELEASE ANOTHER VERSION OF THE GAME IN STORES. And why would they do that? Because a couple people are getting their panties in a bunch over some VIRTUAL GRASS?