Shop Novoxy's pokemon shop and [buying] TBT bells for IG bells ( 100TBT for 5M)

What timezone are you? I can trade 10am-12.30pm in the morning. Then also again from about 9pm I think!

Oh and I'm GMT London time!
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I can sell you 200 tbt c: I have a lot more but I'm not sure if I want to sell them all yet haha! I'll keep you updated on it though! I just came back from a one year hiatus haha!
I can sell you 200 tbt c: I have a lot more but I'm not sure if I want to sell them all yet haha! I'll keep you updated on it though! I just came back from a one year hiatus haha!

Would you be available to trade now?^^
Would you be available to trade now?^^

Yes! Sorry I was fixing my town a bit haha I didn't expect you to be on XD Do I send you the tbt first? o: Also I just added your FC! c: And will I be going to your town or will you be going to my town?
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hello!~ sorry you went afk so i went to the shops aha
i added you & online

alright. what's your IG name?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yes! Sorry I was fixing my town a bit haha I didn't expect you to be on XD Do I send you the tbt first? o: Also I just added your FC! c: And will I be going to your town or will you be going to my town?

I'm sorry, I'll trade with forest deer, and after I have to go for a moment. I PM you when I can trade^^