NP picture


Dec 4, 2004
I just got my new NP today, and was looking for the crossing guardian to see if TBT made the cut, but dad snatched it away from me almost immediately. Did the picture of TBT get in?
Thats crazy... You got it early. If it is issue 188 then please let us know if The Bell Tree is in.
:eek: Ummm....this isn't good.....I'm not finding the Crossing Guardian anywhere! Not even in the table of contents!

So no TBT yet, still another month (or two) to wait....
Are you sure its 188? because you got it WAY early. Whats on the cover?
But that makes no sense. The yalways get The Crossing Quaterly in the last month of the season. And isue 188 is Febuary... I think. The last one was a long time ago.
I got the Feburary one alright....but........I'll be right back, I'm going to see If I got December or January




The last Crossing Quartely was a while ago.




what issue No. was the last Crossing Quarterly?

I do have the Dec and Jan issues too: no soap.




I dont know... lets see... I'll guess 184. Look there. If Quartely is ther that means that it should be in 188 right?