stormcommander said:
Well it's not like they have all the money for this. I mean this is only one department of Nintendo. They probably have their own restrictions within the company. So while Nintendo may be making even more money these days, it doesn't mean that extra profit will go towards internet things.
I know how that is, I work for the Univerisyt of Penn, we basically print money with the amount we change people to go to school here just because we're IVY, but if you look at my computer department, you would think we live off of welfare... the same thing coudld be happening there.
But if it is the case, Nintendo should realize that its worth the extra money the put into it. I know running a message board at that size is expensive, but it has to be worth it. Sony and Microsoft has always had one, and if anyone where to get rid of there boards, you would think it would be sony.
Anyway, A board that usually has thousands of people on at any giving moment is something to keep IMO. Having that many people all with Nintendo on there mind has to be a cheaper then any other form of advertising.