NSO Membership Expires What Happens Questions


Dec 24, 2021
He / She
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
The Bell Tree World Championship 2024 Patch
Crown Trophy
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
Special Snowflake
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
Mother's Day Carnation
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Lily
Hello I tried looking online for the answers to my questions and can't find what I'm looking for

My NSO is expiring on this Christmas December 25 2022 and I'm unable to renew it for an unknown period of time (possibly never)
does anyone who ever had a NSO membership at one point and theirs expired know what happens and can answer my questions?

Q1: Can I still visit dream addresses even if they are favored or no?
Q2: Can I still access and update a dream address if it was already up before NSO expires?
Q3: Can I still access my favorited custom design makers in the portal or I'm not allowed to get anymore custom designs?
Q4: Can I still access my favorited Happy Home Paradise designers in the show room or I can't even go to the showroom anymore?

Thank you in advance to anyone who can help answer my questions :)
You're not going to be able to access anything that requires the internet. So the Dream Suite and HHP Archipelago (if you don't own the DLC seperately) won't be accessible anymore. I imagine that your existing dream would remain on the server accessible to others but not updateable. You'll still have any custom designs you've previously downloaded/saved but you won't be able to download or view new ones.
Thank you for your help Chris I really appreciate it
that's a shame...
I really loved looking at dream addresses, rooms people made in HHP and getting other people's custom designs
oh well I guess all good things must come to an end