Well, as all of you dont know, I had an ingrown/infected toe for like, a year. So, I got to the dermatologist, and he said I had to be operated.
So, he put me in this chair, and injected my toe with this numb stuff, and I looked at trashy magazines so I wouldnt have too look at the GALLONS OF BLOOD POURING OUT OF MY BODY. Anywho, he removed my entire toenail, and wrapped it up in gauze, so the bleeding stopped. And the feeling in my toe is just coming back now, and its not fun.
No now, I have no toenail.
No track! Yay!
So, he put me in this chair, and injected my toe with this numb stuff, and I looked at trashy magazines so I wouldnt have too look at the GALLONS OF BLOOD POURING OUT OF MY BODY. Anywho, he removed my entire toenail, and wrapped it up in gauze, so the bleeding stopped. And the feeling in my toe is just coming back now, and its not fun.
No now, I have no toenail.
No track! Yay!