Cycling \(^o^)/ Gabriella's Giveaway! - MASS CYCLING - Come and Chat!

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No problem! :)

Alright. Julian's plot is set. Tomorrow, for my friend's birthday, I'll give him the news.
his name is Andrew. ;)
You're a good person. With all you're doing for others on here, I'm sure they'll return the favor. My own abilities are limited b/c I have no second copy ><
The favor has already been returned.
I have met some wonderful people here on TBT. They help me out, look out for me, and just enjoy my presence. I know I may look for a villager here or there, getting frowned upon for asking to adopt the villager for free, but I don't mind. As long as I have my friends here on TBT, I am perfectly happy :3
Not sure if mentioning his name is Andrew helps, but I was just saying that because it might hint who he is?

- - - Post Merge - - -


Moving out Noficiation:
Kitt the Normal Kangaroo is moving out!
If you are interested, please post!

Bye Kitt!
Moving on.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Anyone wanna let me get signatures for Kid Cat? :eek:
I'm gonna continue now.


my friend Andrew was really happy with the fact I got him! Thank you, TruexGentleman!

Everyone go and wish AndrewArcade a good birthday. <3
Ah ha.
My squirrel senses were tingling. hahaha.
More raffles if he shows up.
I can be raffle Queen >:D lol

Sleep deprived >...>
How goes the cycling?
Whats up everyone? :p
Ah ha.
My squirrel senses were tingling. hahaha.
More raffles if he shows up.
I can be raffle Queen >:D lol

Sleep deprived >...>
How goes the cycling?
Whats up everyone? :p

I'm good. Cycling's good too. Got Kitt out which was a big goal for me, so now the next person to get out is Gala (who was a starter and is still here .-.)
But he's in my town. I'm hoping to get Marshal out soon too (now that I have his picture, lol.)
I swear people act as if pictures steal their souls and then their bodies become unneeded lol
It just makes me laugh hahahaha
Starters are so stubborn D:
I dont know why.
Like... jeez... get out Graham! Ugh D:
Awww thats awesome!
Shout outs are sweet ^.^

Haha and here I was nervous I missed all the cycling lol
League is so distracting q.q
Sorry that Mass Cycling was a disappointment. It only happened because I wanted Marshal out to get Julian's plot, but now since I have him, I wanna be careful.
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