Cycling \(^o^)/ Gabriella's Giveaway! - MASS CYCLING - Come and Chat!

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It made me feel stupid, but at the same time, I know I'd NEVER had gotten that in a million years :L .. Look outside the box, yeah, but not i nthe freakin' URL :L .. I hate riddles

"Look outside the box, literally" didn't help me at all. I was looking outside the thread box, not the site box. -.-
Hi everybody. I have been busy with my pre exam work so thats why its so quiet from me and probably still Will be untill the deadline 14th november. Only wanted to say That im alive and keeping an eye of the thread.
So I want to hopefully get at least Simon, Gala, and/or Kitt out this month.
The reason is because I'd like to get some fresh new normals and Gala and Kitt are the last few normals besides Marina.

I'm hoping Marshal and Marina move out around the Christmas week so I can give them to someone as a gift, you know?

So I want to hopefully get at least Simon, Gala, and/or Kitt out this month.
The reason is because I'd like to get some fresh new normals and Gala and Kitt are the last few normals besides Marina.

I'm hoping Marshal and Marina move out around the Christmas week so I can give them to someone as a gift, you know?

That would be very sweet ^^
Hi everybody. I have been busy with my pre exam work so thats why its so quiet from me and probably still Will be untill the deadline 14th november. Only wanted to say That im alive and keeping an eye of the thread.

Ugh. Exams. XD
Glad to hear that everything's okay.

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That would be very sweet ^^

I hope so, lol. :3
Im not really looking for any caracter exept Kabuki now either so its not so bad that i dont have Any time stalking but i miss chatting both in this thread and on the forum :/

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Going to have ? cosy evening with My boyfriend now. We have rented ? movie and after that we Will go to bed and play some pokemon. I have to log in to my village before that thou cause there where some villagers i Forgot to speak to this morning. Have to work on My relationship with Ribbot :)
Im not really looking for any caracter exept Kabuki now either so its not so bad that i dont have Any time stalking but i miss chatting both in this thread and on the forum :/

- - - Post Merge - - -

Going to have ? cosy evening with My boyfriend now. We have rented ? movie and after that we Will go to bed and play some pokemon. I have to log in to my village before that thou cause there where some villagers i Forgot to speak to this morning. Have to work on My relationship with Ribbot :)

Have fun! :3
No cycling tomorrow because I am going to a Twilight event in NYC and it is an all day thing. :3
Anyone interested in Joey? He is camping right now and I can bring him into my town!
Joey's freakin' epic <3 .. He was my favourite villager of all time for 8 years until Sydney, Eugene and Erik overtook him :p
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