Cycling \(^o^)/ Gabriella's Villager Giveaway!- PASHMINA MOVING, Kid Cat?

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I don't understand why I keep falling asleep. I'll try my best to fight through the pain and cycle today... 12 Noon start.
Well that failed...
You know what? Maybe I just won't cycle? Maybe I will? We'll see after I finish playing a game.
-rolls in-

So I'm tempted to keep Kyle in my town instead of getting Pietro
Pretty good. There's a guy who I think has a crush on me.. Kinda weird because I don't think I really like anyone like that. I can see us dating, but it wouldn't last more than a month or two. But it was fun! XD
Awh! I know that feeling. You should enjoy it though and see where it may take you! c: But I'm glad you had fun time!
Haha, gussied up. Nah.
The homecoming prince for the sophomore class is so freaking hot. I will never have a chance though. >_<
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