Agreed.The cubs are so adorable. And I miss Peanut! Thinking about getting her back in my town. And its really adorable when Muffy asks me to lead the way somewhere and how she wiggles and jiggles while she runs to keep up with me. Awhh.
Vladimir is my fav cub, but I let my friend have him because I wanted another smug villager d:
I have Clay wearing the "beige emblem blazer" and he looks so cute and important, and his little belly wiggles around lol
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Haha. No worries. Mine's really not that much better either. It's like a garbage dump with all the items on the ground. XD
Aww, that's sweet. Poppy's cute.
Lavender has paths and stuff, but straight up SH just has weeds and like, 2 random bunches of paths lol