Cycling \(^o^)/ Gabriella's Villager Giveaway!- PASHMINA MOVING, Kid Cat?

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For a snooty, I was also considering Whitney or Diana :3
For my two lacking personalities, I'd prefer Julian for my smug and Rudy for my jock.
I think Rudy is adorable. The only problem with jocks is they ALWAYS just yak on and on about muscles. e_e
Problem with my village...I have three lazies, two jocks, two normals, one uchi, one peppy, and one cranky. :| Thankfully one of my lazies is leaving. xD
Man, today was insane. Moe sat on my bench, then Rudy joined him, then they both got off and Curt got on, then Curt left and Pashmina got on o_o

ALSO I got K.K. Birthday! :DDD My inventory was full so I'm gonna get it tomorrow on my real birthday. This is awesome <3

Ugh. I feel like I'm accomplishing nothing.
I'm changing the cycling rules a bit too.

What do you mean, you feel like you aren't accomplishing anything? D:
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Man, today was insane. Moe sat on my bench, then Rudy joined him, then they both got off and Curt got on, then Curt left and Pashmina got on o_o

ALSO I got K.K. Birthday! :DDD My inventory was full so I'm gonna get it tomorrow on my real birthday. This is awesome <3

What do you mean, you feel like you aren't accomplishing anything? D:

I'm gonna have to wait 3 days for Melba to be adopted, so until then, there's no cycling that can be done.
Melba is adorable. I wish I could take her but I already have 2 normals that I adore and I have no space unless I TT Big Top out.
Don't worry about it. :)
Melba's so cute!

This just happened:

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