Shop •●❀ Nicole's Nik Nak Department ❀●•

Let's Get Lucky!-50 TBT
Weeding Set-5 TBT
Rococo Set-5 TBT
Sweets Set-5TBT
Crown-2 TBT
Rover's Pic-2 TBT
Total:69 TBT? :eek:

Hello! If still available, could I please get the glorious gold set? Thank you!

I'm going to sort out all of the above orders in the morning and I will respond to you all individually. :)
may i get the Nintendo fan and Glorious gold bundles please ?
i believe the total is 135 tbt ?
Hi there! Could I order the super saplings and pretty in pink bundles? I know that is a lot! So I can make two separate orders or something if that makes it easier. Thank you! :)
All orders up to here have been accepted. If I have missed anyone out then please contact me via PM.

Member's orders that must be collected/delivered:

Caecae97 - Magnificent Music & Fabulous Fruits Bundle + Golden too set + Gorgeous furniture set [68 TBT]

Mayorcaden - Nintendo Fan Bundle [50 TBT]

lj4702 - Art pieces [165 TBT]

Sophiefish - 10 lucky clovers [20 TBT]

Flare21 - Let's Get Lucky, Weeding Set, Rococo + Sweets Sets, Crown + Pic of Rover [69 TBT]

Captain-Cake - Let's Get Lucky + Super Saplings + + 12 Blue Hydrangea Starts + Silver Tool Set [116 TBT]

VxnillaCupcakes - Nintendo Fan + Glorious Gold [135 TBT]

Pinkbabydoll - Pretty in Pink [30 TBT
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May I have the Pretty in Pink set please? :)
Hi Nicole!

May I have the 'BRING ON THE BUSHES' bundle please?
(I know it says random bushes, but could you please limit the random bit to only hydrangeas? I wouldn't mind not receiving the golden shovel in return for the minor change).

Member's orders that must be collected/delivered:

Caecae97 - Magnificent Music & Fabulous Fruits Bundle + Golden too set + Gorgeous furniture set [68 TBT]

Mayorcaden - Nintendo Fan Bundle [50 TBT]

Flare21 - Let's Get Lucky, Weeding Set, Rococo + Sweets Sets, Crown + Pic of Rover [69 TBT]

Captain-Cake - Let's Get Lucky + Super Saplings + + 12 Blue Hydrangea Starts + Silver Tool Set [116 TBT]

VxnillaCupcakes - Nintendo Fan + Glorious Gold [135 TBT]

Pinkbabydoll - Pretty in Pink [30 TBT]

catmerchant - Let's Get Lucky [50 TBT]
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Would it be possible to only buy a pair of Kiki and Lala shoes and socks? I'd pay more because it"s not one of your packages. ^^ How much? Thank you. <3
Hi! I'd like to place an order!
Town: Irisvale / Mayor: Crystal
Friend Code: Sidebar

Pretty in Pink Bundle
Get Ready for Spring Bundle
Hero's Cap
Hero's Pants
Hero's Boots
Midna's Mask
Master Sword
Weeding Day Set

Total: 70 TBT
Would it be possible to only buy a pair of Kiki and Lala shoes and socks? I'd pay more because it"s not one of your packages. ^^ How much? Thank you. <3

You can just order these as two individual items if you don't want to go for the bundles. This should be ready for you by Friday since I'm at work tomorrow so please VM or PM me to arrange a time. Thanks!

would you be able to get me 75 red hibiscus starts and how much since its basically a bundle?

I will offer you a bundle of 75 red hibiscus starts at a price of 60 TBT since that's all you're after.

Hi! I'd like to place an order!
Town: Irisvale / Mayor: Crystal
Friend Code: Sidebar

Pretty in Pink Bundle
Get Ready for Spring Bundle
Hero's Cap
Hero's Pants
Hero's Boots
Midna's Mask
Master Sword
Weeding Day Set

Total: 70 TBT

This order should be ready by Friday since I'm at work tomorrow, please VM or PM me to arrange a time to collect or for delivery. Thanks!
Caecae97 - Magnificent Music & Fabulous Fruits Bundle + Golden too set + Gorgeous furniture set [68 TBT]

Mayorcaden - Nintendo Fan Bundle [50 TBT]

Sophiefish - 10 wrapped clovers [20 TBT]

Flare21 - Let's Get Lucky, Weeding Set, Rococo + Sweets Sets, Crown + Pic of Rover [69 TBT]

Captain-Cake - Let's Get Lucky + Super Saplings + + 12 Blue Hydrangea Starts + Silver Tool Set [116 TBT]

VxnillaCupcakes - Nintendo Fan + Glorious Gold [135 TBT]

Pinkbabydoll - Pretty in Pink [30 TBT]

catmerchant - Let's Get Lucky [50 TBT]

I'm aware that I'm still trying to arrange times and working around the timezone differences but these items need to be shipped away as quickly as possible.
Hello! Can I get the pretty in pink bundle for 30TBT please! asap would be ideal! <3