Ace Marvel
Merry & Happy
Ok, first of all, let's remember Mexico, as its own independent nation, was an empire on its own. Mexico DID commit several massacres towards in the Indigenous groups, like the Kiowa, Navajo, Raramuri, Comanche and Apache. Mexico invaded THEIR lands, fought them, murdered them and displaced them. Even so, many of these Indigenous groups were already in peace with Spain, but when Mexico gained its independence, that peace was ended and Mexico began to abuse those cultures. Those cultures are so forgotten that probably most Mexicans aren't even aware of their existence. I am aware that the main objective of Spanish colonization was religious, rather than economic exploitation or domination like British colonization.
Why would the history of our ancestors that come from Europe be not relevant? If it is part of who we are, I think we should learn about it as well as we learn about the Mesoamerican civilizations, (and I said Mesoamerican and not Mexican in general because we don't even learn about the other ones like the Pueblo, Apache, Navajo, Raramuri, Comanche or Huasteco). Not learning anything about our European ancestors would be an attempt to erase a part of our cultural heritage, a part of who we are. And to be fair, history is NOT relevant at all to most Mexicans, not even the Mesoamerican history. And yeah, I'm using the term mestizo because that's what was conceived to be part of the Mexican identity, and I'm not the first one to use it nor the one who made it official.
I never said that the Indigenous cultures in Mesoamerica lived as a unified nation. I know even important empires like the Mayan Empire were divided into several small city-states.
Ok, but you're saying "we're Mexican" as if our ancestors magically appeared on these lands since forever, which is kind of insensitive for all those Indigenous cultures who were invaded in order to colonize these lands. Remember, if you have a certain degree of European in your blood, you cannot deny that heritage, so you are also part of the ones who colonized, settled and invaded. Even more, it is suspected that in average, Mexicans have around 50%-60% of European ancestry, which makes most Mexicans of predominant European ancestry. And as I mentioned before, Mexico singlehandedly committed several invasions and attacks towards the Indigenous groups, mainly in the north, to steal their lands and resources. Some of these attacks were even commanded by president Benito Juárez, a president who always "claimed" to defend the rights of the Indigenous peoples, while that is not true. Juárez also seized several lands from small Indigenous communities. So yeah, Mexico was also the abuser at some point, so it's wrong for it to always play the victim.
And yeah, I agree with you, Mexicans don't even celebrate Indigenous culture as they claim to. Mexicans fail to recognize their Indigenous heritage as well as the European one, so it's very ironic how this happens and no one seeks to even change it. We must value the original peoples of these lands (of which, us, mestizos, don't belong to) and also value the European heritage as well as it's also a very rich heritage that we must protect as well. And also, remember that many of our ancestors from Europe came well after Mexico declared independence. For example, my French ancestors probably arrived in 1830s-1880s, and a part of my Spanish ancestors probably did, too. Actually, it is estimated that in 1821, the year of Mexico's Independence, around 50% of Mexicans were Indigenous, so specially in the next centuries many, many European people moved to Mexico (a lot more than we think) where they settled those lands. Compare that 50% to today's 10%.
I know the Mexican identity was built upon the destruction of a lot of the Mesoamerican culture, but it's our duty as rather privileged settlers (as compared to the margination and discrimination that the Indigenous people suffer) to recognize our privilege and then work together to end racism and discrimination in our country. But the first step would be to recognize that most of your genetic and cultural heritage does not come from this continent, and that you are the descendant and the last remains of colonialism, and once must work to accept that.
The problem here is that you are claiming we don't belong here, but at the same time we don't belong to Europe, and it depends by school but I learn world history during middle and high school, which in reality is only the western world, but you keep pressing that we need to learn our European heritage when in reality, unless you have dual citizenship, the don't give to cents about us, so I ask you if we don't belong here, where do we belong? And again I believe the term mestizo is not correct, if your ancestors arrive at the time, the correct term imo would be criollo.
And let's not talk about the scum that was Benito Juarez, but again not an empire move since their was never an expansion from this, it was an act of dominance that followed through till this day. And I read you but I still believed that you are over simplifying a problem, and in my opinion making almost all population to accept privilege, when more that half of them live in poverty is kinda of a stretch, in that case knowing that you might have European descendants, but not a roof over your head, is not privilege and they won't see it as that.
"Compare that 50% to today's 10%." This argument is not valid, sorry, there were aprox. 7 million Mexicans back then and today we could be closer to 130 million with 17 indigenous Mexicans, and the real boom of population didn't started until 1960 so there is not point in comparison, including the the revolution happened in that time frame. Don't get me wrong, I believe and a know that indigenous people in Mexico are the most marginalized and discriminated groups in the country, but I don't agree with your resolution, at the end of the day you made it clear you wanted share your opinions, and that is fine and I respect that, I'm just sharing mine, but I also believe that this forum is the right place to share this with Mexicans in mind since we are not a lot here. I know what you are talking about but you might want to share some links with more information so people know more about this problem.
Don't go back in history this is happening today, this is a decease our country have, and yes I agree that this needs to change, I just don't think your solution is correct, since it really doesn't attack the roots of the problem. I'm not trying to change your mind or fight you, and you know you won't change mine, so by know we can continue to share our opinions if you want, but I want to make it clear that this is not an attack on you.
I still believe that us Mexicans a construction of our environment, neither European or Indigenous, and the only real solution would be to leave, but where would you put 103 million people?