Odd food combinations you love?

Maple syrup on breakfast sausages. C:
Pasta and tuna fish, Mashed potatoes and ranch dressing...
I'll put ranch on almost as many things as balsamic tbh.

This isn't a combination, but I have a bit of an obsession with fresh cream, I can and sometimes do drink that stuff straight. >A> but I like it even better whipped up, maybe with a little bit of sugar but that's not even necessary. Don't even need to put it on anything, I'll just scoop it up with a spoon... that's shameless sorry )':
When I was little I used to like sand on crackers :/ Then my grand-pa introduced me to the spiced meat pie with vanilla ice cream on the top (+ maple syrup sometimes). Now I just put sriracha on everything.
Nutella on chips/crisps is the best!
Heck yes.

I love apple slices, apple butter, or jam on grilled cheese sandwiches, preferably made with a really sharp or very nutty cheese. In my defense, fruit and cheese platters are kind of a thing...
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I LOVE dipping regular Pringles chips with Trix yogurt. Lol I remember I was about 5 years old, watching TV. I bought myself some Pringles and my mom comes by and offers me a Trix yogurt. So I'm just mindlessly eating and watching when I have the 2 mix in my mouth and I just realized I really liked it. It's like a salty and sweet kind of flavor.
I know this probably is the least weird food combination, but I get called "weird" for putting soy sauce on microwave noodles? or any other noodles o_o I probably have actual weird food combinations, but I really can't think of them at the moment. I did eat a cracker with whipped cream on top of it though. It wasn't that nice.. it was just really dry.
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I'm dying to know how you figured this out.

I was eating a TV dinner that had a brownie and chicken fingers. The ketchup was for the chicken fingers originally but I accidentally got some ketchup on the brownie, so naturally I tried it. I loved the taste and here we are.
I've been told my classic staple, orange juice and peanut butter sandwich combo is a bit odd, but it is to die for. Trust me lol. XD