Official Fire Emblem: Awakening Thread 2.0

Still stuck on Chapter 19 ;o; Anyone know how to beat it?

Use beast killers and wind magic with your stronger tank units. It's an open field so there's not many places to hide.

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Which DLC's maps would you lovely people recommend? I plan on playing the game again (or rather continue playing it again, ha ha) and was thinking of getting maybe a DLC map later, but I don't know which one (I have the EXPonential Growth and Golden Gaffe, so anything but those, LOL). What's the most interesting/fun in your opinion (and if there's something I should avoid; please do tell me as well). ^_^

Apotheosis is an easy and fun one.
My unit is usually overleveled by this point, so I just send her out as bait, lol.

She usually has the Sol skill on her too. It's how I beat a certain hero's descendant Paralogue on Lunatic, actually. She kept getting hit but she also kept healing and tanked most of the units in one turn, then kept picking them off.
My unit is usually overleveled by this point, so I just send her out as bait, lol.

She usually has the Sol skill on her too. It's how I beat a certain hero's descendant Paralogue on Lunatic, actually. She kept getting hit but she also kept healing and tanked most of the units in one turn, then kept picking them off.

I just had Brady use more and killed him off before he could even hit.

I usually send nah, kjelle, and morgan out to tank.
I usually send Kjelle, Morgan and Keit (MU) out to tank considering Morgan and Keit are both fully leveled Grandmasters, and Kjelle is about level 15 Great Knight :)
I like thinking of My Unit as a very active part of the army so I tend to send her off, but yeah, I have others I send off too, usually splitting off into three directions. The Nah/Morgan pair, and then Lucina/Tiki pair once I have them all, because Manaketes, dear lord.

And since I tend to put Donny with Nowi, Nah ends up with Counter and Galeforce.
Oh, there go two Manaketes. D=

I generally just set up my units to be a barrier, since they can take his pretty well. In this case, I only send off my unit towards the bottom of the map, since any unit not forming a barrier around Tiki is used to pick off the enemies coming in. Galeforce is especially handy on this one. Some units will break formation during my turn, pick someone off, and then I'll return them to their spot on the formation after.
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Oh, there go two Manaketes. D=

I generally just set up my units to be a barrier, since they can take his pretty well. In this case, I only send off my unit towards the bottom of the map, since any unit not forming a barrier around Tiki is used to pick off the enemies coming in. Galeforce is especially handy on this one. Some units will break formation during my turn, pick someone off, and then I'll return them to their spot on the formation after.

I actually managed to get it now :'D I set up MU, Morgan, Henry and Tharja on the four sides of Tiki, then had units like Chrom and Owain fill the gaps so she has a border, and then put Kjelle, Cordelia and Lon'qu and Fredrick to prevent her from being able to be attacked by ranged units. I also had Anna with Psychic ready to heal everyone :D
Nice! Despite the limited supports, I really like Tiki. I tend to put her with Lucina because I find the whole guidance-type relationship enjoyable.
Getting Tiki was hard for me at first.

I also made Teach marry Lisa than they had a Dio looking Owain
Yes, perfect!

His support with M!Morgan has to be one of my favorite things about this game. It's so...nerdy.
Yes, perfect!

His support with M!Morgan has to be one of my favorite things about this game. It's so...nerdy.

Cynthia and Owain are priceless too. They;re like the same but get ticked off at each other which is pretty ironic.
I like it when Cynthia blocks during a support and goes "Nuh uh!". I love to mock that part xD
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The Cynthia/Owain one is a bit upsetting. ;;

I like Owain/Kjelle's because one is a weapon nerd and the other is an armor nerd and he is just so determined lmao.